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the autumn morning was crisp as ever. the college campus was overflowing in the warmth of the october sunrise, the thin clouds stretched upon the amber sky- the air fresh and clear. birds singing the hopeful harmonies to awaken the students in their dorms. it was 7:45 and kim taehyung, studying fine art, didn't have his first class until 8:15. the red haired boy twisted and turned in his bedsheets, the feeling of his recently bought mattress and duvet felt funny on him. it was his final year, taehyung knew it was his time to leave the nest, he was unhappy with his first college (the location was too close to home, too many people knew of him and he wasn't happy studying his subjects), so he decided to transfer and do something that he really wanted to do. art. taehyung found himself very fortunate with the boy's he was paired up with in his dorm, a well known dance student named park jimin. taehyung had only known jimin for a week and the aforementioned boy made it very clear that he was in 'safe hands' and that they were going to be 'the best of friends' he thought the boy was cute. the second boy was very reserved to himself, quiet. he had pale skin and was definitely the shortest of the three. taehyung had only just learn his name a couple of days ago, he's called min yoongi, is studying music production and is the eldest out of the three. yoongi often played his music in his room, it sounded brilliant, taehyung knew the eldest was going to go places in the music industry.

taehyung sat up, patting vibrant red hair down- as it was messy due to his restless sleep. looking at his phone he squinted in pain due to the contrast from his dark room, to his overly- bright phone screen. it was now 8am. "shit i'm late."


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