Chapter 11

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Hailey's POV
Adam and I were at work when I got a phone call.

"Hello? Riley? Are you alright? Calm down for me okay. I'm on my way." I hung up the phone.

"What was that?" Adam asked worriedly.

"Riley just called me. She said she's down the alleyway near the district. She was raped." I said tearing up and Adam looked like he was going to be sick.

"Adam, meet me at the hospital." I said.

"What? I'm coming with you." He said.

"Adam, seeing a male might freak her out, even if it is her dad." I said and he nodded sadly. I headed out the district and ran straight into the alley. What I saw made my heart break. I ran over to Riley and she was crying. I went to touch her and she jumped.

"Riley it's me." I said.

"Mom?" She questioned.

"Yeah, it's momma. You're safe, I've got you." I said.

"I tried to fight him off. I think he broke my arm." She said.

"Let's get you to the hospital." I said.

"Please don't leave me." She begged.

"I'm not going anywhere." I said. I picked her up and put her in my car. As soon as we got to the hospital, Will came up to us.

"Hailey, what's going on?" He asked. He tried to take Riley out of my arms and she started screaming.

"GET OFF OF ME!!" She shouted. Will looked shocked.

"She was raped." I said and he nodded.

"I'll get Natalie." He said. She came over to us and I took her into the treatment room. Once I put her down, she started to get scared and held my hand.

"Hey, I'm here. You're alright." I said and she nodded. Natalie came in and started looking at Riley's arm first.

"It's broken. You're going to need a cast." She said.

"Sweetie, would you like me to do a rape kit?" Nat asked softly and Riley nodded. I went to leave when she grabbed my arm.

"Please stay." She begged and I nodded. Nat did a vaginal exam first and I could tell Riley was uncomfortable. I stroked her hair to try and make her feel better. Once Nat had finished, she took photos of Riley's wounds and bruises. I hugged Riley afterwards. I knew exactly how she was feeling right now: embarrassed, exposed, vulnerable. Natalie had left and I was sat on the chair next to Riley's bed, holding her hand.

"Would you like the team to investigate?" I asked and she nodded.

"Your dad is in the waiting room. Would you like to see him?" I asked.

"What if I freak out like I did with Dr Will?" She asked.

"It's alright, he'll understand." I said.

"Can you get him please?" She asked.

"Of course baby." I said. I went into the waiting room and saw the team there. Adam saw me and he stood up quickly.

"How is she?" He asked and I just broke. I couldn't control the tears rolling down my cheeks.

"She's not dead, is she?" Voight asked.

"No no no. I've had to hold this in for a while, give me a minute." I said and they all looked at me sadly. Once I had collected myself, I looked over to them all.

"She's doing okay. Nat did a rape kit. When I brought her in, Will came over and she freaked out. She wants to see you, but don't be surprised if she panics." I said looking towards Adam and he nodded. We walked to where Riley's room was. Once she saw Adam, she started crying. We thought she was going to freak out, but she reached her arms out.

"Daddy." She said sobbing. Adam quickly went over to her and got in the bed with her.

"You're alright princess." He said. I sat on the chair next to the bed. He comforted her for a while and Natalie came in saying she could be discharged.

"I wouldn't usually discharge patients this quickly, but she's a kid and home is usually the best place for a victim." She said and we nodded. She explained to us that she would need help with certain things like: getting dressed, showering. During the ride home, I was sat in the back with Ri while Adam drove. Once we got home, Riley went straight to her room. She said she was going to watch a movie. After a few minutes, I went in there and she was watching Christmas movies.

"Momma?" She asked.

"Yeah honey." I said.

"Can you help me in the shower?" She asked.

"Of course I can sweetie." I replied. I helped her wash her body and her hair. I got her out and helped her put some pyjamas on. I laid in her bed with her.

"Momma, thanks for saving me." She said.

"I'm always gonna be there for you." I said and she smiled. Her phone started to ring. She looked at the caller and I saw it was her girlfriend Lily.

"Oh no. What if she breaks up with me?" Riley asked worriedly.

"She isn't going to break up with you because you were raped." I said. The phone kept ringing and she didn't answer it.

"Would you like me to talk to her?" I asked and she nodded. I answered the phone.

"Hey Riley." Lily said.

"It's her mom hailey." I said.

"Oh, where's Riley? Is everything okay?" She asked.

"Yeah. She was just discharged from the hospital." I said.

"What? Is she hurt? Is she alright?" She asked.

"She was raped." I said and Lily started crying.

"This is all my fault. I said I couldn't walk home with her. If I had been there maybe this wouldn't have happened." She said.

"It's not your fault sweetie." I said.

"She probably hates me now." She said.

"I know for a fact she doesn't." I said. I finished calling Lily and Riley went to sleep early. I went into the living room and saw Adam just staring into space.

"Are you okay baby?" I asked. He turned to face me and I saw tears running down his face. I quickly went over to him and sat on the couch. I brought his head to my chest.

"Oh Addy, don't cry." I said.

"I'm supposed to protect her from everything and I let this happen." He said and I kissed his head.

"This is not your fault." I said.

"I'm sorry." He said.

"For what?" I asked.

"For being a mess." He said.

"Adam, just because you're a guy doesn't mean you can't cry. I'd be surprised if you didn't cry." I said and he kissed me.

"I love you." He said.

"I love you too baby boy." I replied and we went to bed.

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