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Whenever Hoseok walked out of the house. People saw him as a scary, murderous biker dude with tattoos and his buff body.
He has a sleeve of tattoos on his left arm, and a few on his right but not as many.
His body was huge, not as fat but he was buff and tall as fuck.
He always had a straight face on, no smiles nothing. But always when he went home was-
The only person that adores Hoseok and loves him to bits, only seeing him as a cuddle bear and not a scary killing biker man.
Hoseok smiled at seeing his one and only,
"Hi, kitten!" He said, easily picking the other up.
"I missed you! i missed daddy so much!"
"I missed you too, baby, what did you do while i was gone?"
Yoongi, his boyfriend/little, hopped around smiling,
"I drew you a picture! 'tis a cat!" He held up a picture of a drawing.
The taller patted his head,
"Almost as cute as you!"
":>, does daddy want change? for comfortable clothes?"
Hoseok quickly nodded and told him to wait as he put on some more comfortable clothes. Which was only a pair of sweatpants and no shirt, exposing more of his tattoos which Yoongi absolutely adored.
He sat on the couch, Yoongi sitting across his lap with his washable markers.
He then started to color in Hoseoks tattoos with them, which the younger didn't mind since he was going to take a shower anyways.
He drew flowers, fairies, bunnies, you name it.
Hoseok was just on his phone or watching whatever was on the tv, not minding what his little was doing at all.
Once Yoongi finished, he smiled and giggled,
"Is good, daddy?"
He asked.
Hoseok looked at his arm and saw all the cute drawings,
He pulled Yoongi closer to his face,
"Perfect, baby. But it's time for a shower."
"Oh! Kitten showers with daddy?"
Hoseok stands up with Yoongi in his arms, nodding,
"Mhm, kitten showers with daddy."
Yoongi squealed in delight. Oh how he loved showering with his boyfriend.
They got into the bathroom. Hoseok set Yoongi on the counter and locked the door. (so Yoongi doesn't try and run away, and if the little tries to unlock it hoseok will have enough time to grab him)
He turned on the water to warm and started to undress Yoongi.
"Arms up."
Yoongi obeyed, as well for taking his pants off.
Hoseok undressed himself and checked the water. After he deemed it good he lifted Yoongi over the bath side and plopped him in. He then stepped in himself, and the shower began.
"Wanna get ice cream later?" Hoseok asked.
Yoongi bounced on his heels,
"Mhm! yes please!"
"Good boy. Now let me wash your hair."
They finished their shower and head off.
Yoongi wearing just Hoseoks hoodie and a pair of sweatpants, cause it's nighttime, no need to dress up.
Hoseok was wearing shirt sleeves with basketball shorts.
They held hands walking to the store, Hoseoks rule.
But, Yoongi noticed a lot of people staring at Hoseok, so he tugged at his hand, getting his attention,
"Why are so many people staring at you?" He asked.
"Because they're not used to seeing someone with as many tattoos as me. They think i'm scary, baby." He explained.
Yoongi shook his head,
"You not scary!"
"Thank you, but i've learned to ignore it."
Yoongi moved closer to his daddy, glaring at anyone who stared.
They bought the ice cream, going to sit at a bench.
Hoseoks arm was around Yoongi on the back of the bench as he was slouching.
"Can i call you daddy now?" Yoongi asked with puppy eyes.
"Of course. but don't when someone is close."
Little Yoongi didn't understand why, but he agreed anyways.
They sat and Hoseok let Yoongi talk most of the time. He could listen to him for hours.
"Well, it's getting late, baby. Let's go before any monsters come out."
He smiled when he heard Yoongi squeak and cuddle closer to him, holding his hand. They threw the rest of the ice cream wrappers away and made their way back.
"Daddy...'m scared..."
"Behind us..."
Hoseok looked back and saw 2 guys following them, at least they think they're following them.
He wrapped his arm around Yoongis waist.
"Stay close, okay? daddy will protect you." He whispered into Yoongis ear, he nodded and leaned his head against the tallers torso.
"They're getting closer..." Yoongi mumbled after he quickly looked back.
"Don't worry, i'll-"
They both turned around due to hearing one of the men yell.
They ran over and one of the stinky gross men gripped Yoongis arm, definitely bruising it.
He started to cry,
"H-Hyung..." He called. He didn't want to call Hoseok 'daddy'. so he improvised to 'hyung'
The other man was messing with Hoseok,
"Give me money, then i'll let him go." He said.
"What the fuck? no."
"Then you're not getting him back."
Hoseok was furious. So he just punched the man and he was knocked out cold.
On the other hand, Yoongis arm was being gripped so hard that he was sobbing. Weak.
Hoseok turned in their direction,
he bent down and saw a gun out of the knocked out guys pocket. He grabbed it and pointed it at the man holding Yoongi. He let go and the little ran and his behind his boyfriend.
He threw the gun down and the guy ran with his hands up.
They immediately went home, and Hoseok was going to check Yoongi.
"Which arm was it?" He gently asked.
"T-This one..." He said. The younger noticed Yoongi trembling,
"Hey, hey, it's okay, Kitten. They're gone. They won't do anything to you."
He nodded and took off the sweatshirt. And there was a purple bruise of fingerprints. This made Hoseok absolutely furious and wish he actually pulled the fucking trigger.
"Let's get some ice, come on baby."
Yoongi whimpered as Hoseok lured him into the kitchen. Putting some ice in a ziplock bag.
"my poor baby, i'm sorry he did that to you..."  Hoseok gently whispered.
"Wuv...dada..." Yoongi barely said.  Hoseok noticed that, probably due to all what happened, he regressed more.
"I love you too, baby. Let's get a nappy."
He changed Yoongi really quickly and back to the kitchen, where he set him down on the counter so he can make chicken nuggets.
As those were cooking, he decided to give Yoongi some attention,
"dada..." Yoongi pointed to the bruise, Tho taller quickly grabbed the home made ice pack and gently laid it on his bruise.
"Don't worry, kitten. it will stop hurting soon."
The nuggets were now ready, he cut them up into small bite sized pieces and blew on them to make sure they weren't too hot. Then he started to feed them too Yoongi, along with a sippy cup of warm milk.
He ate slowly, not paying any kind to anything.
He finished eventually, Hoseok picking him up and bringing them to the couch. Where he laid with the little and they watched a christmas movie.
"wuv...daddy..." Hoseok heard. He patted the others head,
"I love you too."
Hello my wonderful beautiful rats. :>i have an addiction to writing little space one shots plz donate to help me get help :>

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