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Yoongi was in his room, playing the piano.
The notes he played were to symbolize loneliness, sadness, despair. Everything he felt. From being a vampire.
He sighed, going to see when hunting time was. They only hunted animals, and no humans since they didn't want their kind to be suspected.
"Hey, mom," He said, "I'm hungry."
She smiled, "We'll leave as soon as your father gets back. he's gone out with a few friends."
Yoongi nodded, going to do some homework back in his room.
He focused and used his telekinesis to bring over his backpack.
He smiled as he got to do something more...humanly.(the homework part, not the telekinesis lmao).
Hoseok ran through the woods in his wolf form. Careful not to go into vampires territory.
He had sun-burnt fur with black paws and one black spot around his eye...very unusual but very much adored. He was big, around bear sized. All werewolf's were, unless you were a pup.
The thing that seperated the wolf and vampire territory was a river, forests on both sides. And the school was on vampire territory, but they made an exception to let wolves go there as well.
Humans were just...boring. Not catching the unhumans eyes.
He ran into an unclaimed field, where he accidentally ran into someone.
"Ow." The boy said, and Hoseok just whimpered and got up back onto his four legs...
The pale boy got up, his eyes widening after seeing what he ran into.
"Oh. It's a mutt."
Hoseok growled.
"Don't be immature, dog. mind your manners."
Hoseoks shifted back into human, his clothes magically still on his body.
"Why would a cold blood-sucker be here?" He harshly asked.
"Food. And why would a oversized puppy still be here?"
Hoseok laughed, "Do not call me a puppy. And i can be here whenever I want."
"So can I, puppy."
Hoseok orange and black haired boy groaned (his hair is half orange half black) and just turned around to walk back into the forest
"That's right, mutt." Yoongi whispered. But knew Hoseok still heard it.
"I ran into one of those mutts today." Yoongi told his family at the dinner table.
His fathers eyes widened, "And you didn't kill it?"
"I...Didn't really have a reason to. It was on unclaimed land."
His father just nodded.
"Well. Im going to go get ready for school tomorrow." The pale boy stood up.
When he entered the lunch room, he sat down with his friend, Jungkook. Who was also a vampire.
"You fell in love with a human?! you know how dangerous that is Jungkook?!" Yoongi whisper-yelled.
"I know I know! but he's just so...I don't know. I love him, Yoongi."
The said male sighed, "What was his name again?"
"Okay...Oh yeah, Yesterday I ran into a wolf."
Jungkook gasped, "Was he hot?"
"Jungkook! Wolves are our enemies."
"Pish posh."
Lunch soon ended. The two never ate anything because they ate raw meat. Which everyone would think is weird.
"Hoseok. You cannot tell me that vampire was cute."
Hoseok smiled at his friend, "Tae, he was adorable. To bad he was so rude. All the hot ones are always so mean." He pouted.
"Try meeting him at the field again, then. I want to see where this goes."
The lunch bell rang, telling them to head to class.
Hoseok was laying on a rock in the unclaimed field, no longer in his wolf form.
He closed his eyes, a few minutes later he smelled a presence in front of him.
"Well, isn't it the blood-sucker." He said, sitting up.
"Well, isn't it the mutt." Yoongi mocked, making Hoseok smirk, "What's a vampire doing back here?"
"I do what I want. Thanks." Yoongi sat down on the rock, a bit far from the other.
"Say, how old are you anyways?"
"17. why?"
"I mean...i'm vampire years?"
"Oh. 150."
"Okay. Im not supposed to be talking to animals. I'll take my leave."
Hoseok quickly stood up, "Why? im not doing anything to you."
Yoongi sighed, "We are enemies, puppy."
"Don't call me puppy, it's weird."
"I don't care."
"You're cold. literally."
Yoongi rolls his eyes. "I'm leaving."
And so, he runs as quick as lightning.
Hoseok waits a second and fists bumps the air, happy he's getting closer to the older.
The same thing happens again the next day, as well. And Yoongi hasn't mentioned that he's technically "meeting" the wolf boy everyday at the unclaimed field.
"So, Yoongi. I heard vampires have powers."
They were sitting on the rock as always, talking.
"Not all of them, But me and my brother and sisters do."
"What's yours."
Yoongi smirks and focuses on Hoseok.
Suddenly, Hoseok feels weightless. He looks down and sees that he's floating.
"Telekinesis?!" He says, earning a nod from Yoongi as he gets put back onto the rock.
Suddenly, Yoongis brother, Namjoon, is there. His power is invisibility.
"Aha! I knew it!"
Terrified, Yoongi stands up, "N-Namjoon...please don't tell a-anyone i-"
His brother cuts him off, "I won't, but why didn't you tell me you were meeting with a mu- ahem...i mean wolf?"
While the other two talk, Hoseok just stares at them, well, Yoongi. He thought the vampire was really pretty, he didn't care about the contract between the vampires and wolves.
"Dad is consulting with them..."
Yoongi nodded, "Okay...anyway. Namjoon this is Hoseok. Hoseok this is Namjoon, my brother."
the wolf stands up, "Hi."
"Okay Namjoon can you leave okay thanks bye." Yoongi pushes his brother until he finally leaves.
"Sorry about him...he's annoying."
Hoseok laughed, "He seems nice."
"Yeah, but my sister despises wolfs. If you ever meet her, just ignore her."
Hoseok nods, slowly going back to daydreaming about Yoongi.
"You're pretty," He blurts out. Making Yoongi choke.
"I- Don't say that! Hoseok!"
the black and oranges hair wolf laughed, "It's only true."
"We're supposed to hate each other."
"I guess we're different. We can't control our past. Mind as well make a future instead."
Yoongi slowly nodded, then heard the howling of wolves, making Hoseok look up as if he was trying to listen better.
"Hoseok? what's wrong?"
"Emergency meeting, and...it's about vampires."
Yoongi gulped, "You should go, then."
Hoseok nodded, "If anything goes wrong. Please don't let this effect out friendship."
With that, he shifted into his wolf form and ran off into the woods.
Yoongi sighed and ran home, only taking him a few seconds.
"So? what happened?"
They were at school, nobody would know if they were enemies if they didn't know their true selfs. While...Jungkook and Tae were spying on them. And they eventually ran into eachother behind a bush.
"Hey-watch where you're- omg you're a wolf."
"And you're a vampire."
Jungkook smirked, "Youre kinda hot." Making Tae laugh, "I could say the same for you."
...They're different breeds,
-at the rock (unclaimed field)-
"You were serious?! but they were just discussing the matters with my father..."
Hoseok sighed, "I don't want them to destroy us, Yoongs. Our kinds population is at its lowest...there's only about 100 of us left around the world."
"I'm sorry...Hoseok. I don't know why vampires are doing this...especially he SVG (secret vampire government).
"I can't say it's okay because it really isn't...But im glad to know you aren't like them."
They both smiled, finally happy they found someone that understands.
"I really like you, Yoongi." Hoseok suddenly says.
"I know i've only known you for about a week. But I really like you. I just wanted to be honest."
Yoongi gulped, it's true that he somehow felt attracted to Hoseok. "I like you to. But we're-"
"Not compatible. You're a vampire while i, according to you, am a mutt. but we can change this Yoongi. We can change the future of our kinds."
"It feels like you're just using me to change that..Hoseok."
The said male shook his head, "No, Yoongi. I like you. a lot. I like your grumpy personality, your face, body, height, everything."
"Isn't this too...sudden?"
Hoseok laughed, "It is. But let's work this out. Meet me at the diner on sunday? 1 pm?"
"Uh-I don't eat human food."
"Right...okay back here at 1pm?"
Yoongi laughed, "Alright."
"Fancy seeing you here."
"Yoongi...We planned this."
"I know, you mutt."
"Shhhh, anyways, I was thinking that we could go hunting together."
"On who's land?"
Hoseok groaned, "We can go onto the side no one goes onnnn."
Yoongi sighed, "What if we get caught? i'd be killed and war will set loose."
"Not if we get caught."
"We might. I don't want to risk it, Hoseok. The SVG will find out and destroy us both, and our families."
"Fine...then we'll just have the date here."
not finished but i don't wanna keep going lolzies

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