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Hoseok was walking through the halls, holding his backpack on one shoulder while making his way to the gym locker room to put in his football uniform. They had a game today and he couldn't be more excited.
-locker room-
"Hey have you guys seen that Yoongi boy? damn isn't he sexy." One of his mates said.
His best friend Namjoon nodded, "Ive seen him around, the cross dresser, right?"
"Mhm, that's him."
They got changed and their coach came in,
"Okay boys, i want you guys to make me proud! we havnt lost one single game this year, let's keep it up!"
They all chanted and got ready to run outside, which when it was time, they did.
As they ran out, they heard the cheers from their schools bleachers, hyping them up.
Hoseok and a few others had to sit out first round, but one of his teammates got injured from a tackle and he needed to step in.
Cheers grew as he ran into the field and put on his helmet and mouth guard in, getting into position.
The game is ready to begin.
"You going to the game later, Yoongi?"
Yoongi nodded, "I always go to the games, Taehyung."
"Won't you be cold?"
"I have a sweater."
Yoongi smiled,
"Don't worry about me, Tae. Worry about yourself and your boyfriend."
The said male nodded,
"But i'll always worry about you, you're my best friend."
They went into their shared classroom, sitting down next to each other,
"Well, you excited to see you know who, play?" Taehyung wiggled his eyebrows as Yoongi rolled his eyes.
"I am, actually. You excited to see Jungkook play?"
"Ehhh, i am but not excited to see all the dirty looks i get for being his boyfriend. like, sorry Jessica that i made Jungkook gay."
They both laughed, stopping soon as they heard the bell. One more period to go.
Yoongi and Tae RAN outside, to the bleachers. Finding a good spot directly in the front row, cause Tae wanted to kiss his boyfriend goodluck or some shit like that.
"Kookie!" Tae yelled, catching the player off guard. 💂‍♀️ They were all just standing around, waiting for some more refs.
The said male ran over to the fencing that separated the two:

 Taehyung leaned over and pecked Jungkooks lips, but before he could lean back the younger pulled his shirt so that Tae would stay as he gave him a deep kiss

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Taehyung leaned over and pecked Jungkooks lips, but before he could lean back the younger pulled his shirt so that Tae would stay as he gave him a deep kiss. Everyone around them "Oooo'd" Once done, Taes face was BEET red and Jungkook only just winked at him and ran back.
"That brat-"
"Taehyung! hiiii!"
Yoongi and Taehyung both recognized the voice as jessicas
"Hi, Jessica." Yoongi said.
"Hahaa Hiii...Yoongiii- anyways, Taehyung. I just saw you and Kookie share the cutest kiss! haha...well, just know that i will be taking that fine ass away from your small one. Hehe okay?"
The twos faces were eyes widened, mouth dropped. Literally- how can't someone just move on, jesus.
"Uhhh, i mean, you can try all you want. Jungkooks one loyal some of a bitch." Tae said.
She frowned and left back to her group of fake friends.
"Jesus- Oh my god he's so hot. LOOK." Yoongi pointed at player 93.
"Yes. Yoongi. We all know that the Jung Hoseok is hot."
Yoongi scoffed at Taehyungs sarcasm,
"i know you have a boyfriend but don't come after me for liking someone hot."
"The fuck?! Jungkook is the hottest boy out on that field!"
"Mhm, sure. Oop- the games starting."
"You know nothing about football, you're only here cause of him."
"Shut up."
"I can't believe i f-forgot my s-sweater! i-it's freezing!" Yoongi complained, Taehyung only laughed,
"I told you this morning it wasn't the best idea to wear a short skirt and short sleeved shirt."
"So you're just going to let me freeze, while we wait for your oh so hot boyfriend."
Finally, the bunny smiled boy came out smiling after their victorious win.
"Hey babe." He said, making  Taehyung smile,
Jungkook wrapped an arm around his boyfriend and turned to Yoongi,
"Sup shorty,"
Yoongi frowned, trying to warm himself up by doing little bounces up and down,
"Mind if Hoseok and Namjoon joins us? They've been wanting to meet you, Tae."
The said male nodded, while that, Yoongi turned around and saw Jessica stomping towards them,
"Tae, we got a mad red head coming our way..."
"Uh oh." Taehyung pulled Jungkook and ran away with him, leaving Yoongi behind.
He turned around slowly...facing her.
"What do you want?"
"Drop the fucking attitude, just tell Taehyung to back the fuck off!"
He scoffed, "Why don't you back the fuck off, they're the ones dating, not you and Jungkook."
"Why can't you just!-" She pushed him out of frustration, causing him to fall on his ass,
"-Why can't you just listen to me! why can't Tae just listen! you fat fuck! ughhhh im pissed!"
Before her phat high heels could stomp on him, someone came between her and the fallen boy,
"Jessica, before i lose my temper, i recommend you leave."
"H-Hoseok...i-okay..." She finally walked away,  while that was happening, Yoongi slowly got up, some scratched on his hands.
Hoseok turned around,
"Are you alright?"
"Mhm...thank you...Hoseok.."
The said male smiled,
"No problem."
"Uhh, You wanted to meet Taehyung? right?" Yoongi asked.
"Yeah, me and Namjoon did. You know him?"
"He's my best friend. But he and Jungkook left me cause Jessica came."
Hoseok scoffed, "Best friend? might wanna get that checked."
Yoongi smiled as they walked together towards the cafe everyone would hang out at after the game, and they were positive that they got a table cause their friend, Jimin, works there.
Hoseok noticed Yoongi shaking, using his own hands to try to warm him up. So, he took off his hoodie and handed it over,
"What- No, no. Take it back."
Hoseok pushed his hand away, "Wear it. You're freezing."
"You must be cold too-"
"I'm wearing pants and long sleeves, while you're wearing a skirt and shortsleeves."
Yoongi cutely pouted and put on the way oversized hoodie, which smelled of course, like Hoseok. And he loved it.
They finally make it to the cafe, where Jungkook and Taehyung, who was pouting, were sitting.
"Kim Taehyung you fucking whore! why would you leave me with that bitch!" Yoongi yelled, going to sit by him on the booth.
"I'm sorry Yoongi please forgive meeee pleeaaaasseee i love youuuu pleaseee." The younger begged.
"Ugh, Fine. But you better know that she had the audacity to put her crusty hands on me and push me straight to the floor."
Taehyung gasped,
"She did not."
"She did."
When everyone was seated, Namjoon soon came and they had a great time.
When it was time to leave, Hoseok offered to walk Yoongi home, since they figured out that they loved literally right across from each other, literally. Like, if you opened their bedroom windows you could see into eachothers rooms.
"How's it like being a popular football star?" Yoongi asked.
Hoseok chuckled, "I wouldn't say popular but it's-its fun. I'm planning to get a scholarship."
"Really? that's cool."
"Sure is. Though i don't like the waking up and leaving at 5 am everyday and leaving at 7 after practice."
"I see. well, don't overwork yourself."
Hoseok nodded, looking at Yoongi, who noticed but pretended not to,
"You looked cute today." Hoseok plainly said, causing Yoongi to choke,
"You looked cute today."
"O-Oh..Thanks hehe..."
They finally get to Yoongis house, where he took off the hoodie and tried to give it to Hoseok, who declined,
"Keep it. Wear it when you get cold, or- whenever you want." He winked. Causing Yoongis face to blush. Thank god it was dark.
"Ok-okay! bye bye!"
"Bye cutie!"
Yoongi ran inside and up to his room, squealing. He just had to call his bff.
"Hey queeeen." He said.
"Hey Yoongs."
Yoongi noticed something different,
"Where are you?"
"w, but he's playing video games. What's up?"
"Okay, anyways. Hoseok called me cute! he even let me keep his hoodie!"
"You're kidding!"
"Am not!"
Taehyung laughed, "You better marry that man before i do-Jungkook- no it's was a joke. Don't cry! Kookie! hey- i gotta go, but congrats!"
"Hehe of course, bye!"
Yoongi sighed and laid back on his bed, smiling. But he soon got up to finish and turn in his online homework and get ready for bed. He put on Hoseoks hoodie and got comfortable, snuggling into the hoodie that practically drowned him, and fell asleep with his pink LED lights.
Hoseok sighed as he dropped his backpack on the ground, flopping onto his bed. His whole body was sore and his mother was at work, so she couldn't pick him up.
He sighed and daydreamed about Yoongi.
Aka Yoongis ass. Which he saw many times after walking behind him for a bit. Using foot pain as an excuse to stay behind and stare at his fine ass.
He chuckled and got up, going to take a shower.
As he stepped in, he looked down and saw a well new boner, after fantasizing about Yoongi.
After he took care of his problem and got clean, he got changed and got ready for bed. Once done he got tucked into bed and fell straight asleep.
Yoongi woke up in a good mood. Hoseoks hoodie still had his smell, it was sunny out, he was just happy, and he enjoyed the feeling. He got up and went to his closet, picking out a baby blue skirt with a tight white shirt. Since today was saturday, it was around 11. When he put on his shoes and got his dog, holly, leash, and stepped out to take a walk. His parents were working today, since they were called in, but he didn't mind.
As he stepped out, the sun hit his eyes. He slightly smiled and stepped down the porch steps.
Holly wagged his tail and looked around. loving the birds.
"Okay, Holly. Let's go to the convenience store, i need more chocolate." Yoongi said. Holly was allowed inside because the owner and Yoongis family were such close friends, and the owner loved holly,
He walked inside, greeting the worker and getting a lot of chocolate bars. He then payed and said goodbye, on his way home.
But suddenly he slipped and fell. Holly rushed over to check if he was okay.
"Yes, Yes, holly im okay, good boy. Now...why am i always falling?" He slowly got up, wiping his skirt and hands.
He got his bag and leash again and starting to walk, thankfully no pain.
He walked through a very ghetto place in town, but it was the shortest route back to his house.
"Hey pretty boy!" He heard. But he just kept on walking, ignoring them. He picked up Holly into his arms, just wanting to get out of there.
They guy that cat called him got pissed, and walked over,
"You ignoring me now? That's not very nice."
Suddenly, Yoongi felt the guy wrap his arm around his waist, he quickly tried to push him off,
"G-get off me! stop!"
"A pretty boy like you should learn some manners!"
Yoongi felt tears trickle down his cheeks, when suddenly the guy harassing him fell over and groaned in pain.
Yoongi looked and saw Hoseok standing over the guy, punching him.
"Fucking dumbass." He heard his whisper. He wiped his hands in his pants and stepped towards Yoongi.
Yoongi gently put Holly down (still holding the leash) and hugged Hoseok, sobbing into his shirt.
The taller boy moved them away from that place, not wanting it to happen again.
"T-Thank yo-you..." Yoongi said, sniffling.
"Don't worry about it, that guy always got on my nerves." he relied.
"Y-You know H-him?"
"Kinda, i used to stay with a friend over there when my parents were away for a few months."
Yoongi nodded, looking down at Holly, wiping his tears.
"H-How did y-you find me?" Yoongi then asked.
"I was actually visiting my friend, i was leaving whenever i saw you and that guy."
"I see...I-i'm sorry for the t-trouble..."
"No no, it's fine.  no one should touch you like that. It makes me sick to my stomach."
Yoongi reached into his bag and handed Hoseok a chocolate bar,
"I don't know how to repay you but here's a chocolate bar..."
Hoseok grabbed it, laughing, "Thanks. Now, i'm assuming you're on your way home. Though...Would you like to come over, for...i don't know a- a feeling of reassurance?"
"Alright, though i should take Holly home, he's  exhausted."
"Alright, let's get goingggggg~"
Yoongi laughed and started to walk alongside hoseok, who constantly asked if he was okay,
"Hoseok im fine, just a little shaken up that's all."
"Stillll, i just want to make sure that you're alright."
Yoongi smiled at the others kindness,
"I'm alive, so i'm fine. I just feel...dirty, that's all."
Hoseok nodded, Understanding,
"Don't worry, i'll make sure no one touches you again. I'll be like your personal security guard."
Yoongi blushed and kept walking happy that he's finally befriended his one and only crush.
"Thank you, Hoseok. I had a great time!"
Hoseok smiled,
"Of course! come whenever! my parents are never home anyways."
"Mhm! Mine are barely home too, but thank you once again! and thank you for helping me with the guy..."
"It's no problem at all, now, you should go before it gets too late, though you live right across the street."
Yoongi nodded and walked out, letting Hoseok close the door as he quickly ran across the street to his house. Running inside since it was a bit chilly.
He walked in and saw his mother and father at the dinner table, surprised, he walked over.
"Uh, Hi mom, dad."
His mother cleared his throat,
"Yoongi, we saw you hanging out with the neighbor across the street."
"Yeah? He's my friend."
"We've suspected that. But Yoongi, you're not allowed to date boys."
Yoongi scoffed,
"Couldnt you guys tell im gay from the way i dress and act? oh right. You guys are never home to realize!" He yelled. Before his parents could reply, he ran upstairs and shut his room, locking it. He turned and was happy to see Holly calmly laying on his bed.
He sighed and went to get changed into some pjs, and to take a well needed shower.
Hoseok shut his rooms door and smiled, happy to spend time with someone other than his team mates.  And someone cute as fuck.
He grabbed his football and laid on his back on the bed, throwing it up and catching it.
The next day, which was sunday. Was a very boring day. Yoongi just slept the whole day, and Hoseok just went out with some friends from the team to practice in a nearby field.
"So, Hoseok. you and that Yoongi boy, hm?" One of the boys said, throwing the ball his way.
Hoseok caught it,
"We're just friends."
"Just friends, sure." Namjoon said, groaning in pain after Hoseok aggressively threw it to his chest,
"Yes, just friends."
Everyone laughed at Hoseoks anger and decided to go home and call it a day.
But, the redhead wanted to get a slurpy from 7-11, so he did, then he went home.
"F-faster-a-ah~" Yoongi moaned as Hoseok pounded into him,
"You like it rough, hm, sugar?"
"mMm~ y-yes...daddy~"
Hoseok groaned as he came inside the condom. Yoongi came earlier and was feeling overstimulated.
Hoseok pulled out and Yoongi fell onto the bed on his back, fucked out.
"I'm sorry for going so rough, baby, i'll take care of you." Yoongi heard as his eyes slowly shut.
"GAH!" Hoseok shot up, remembering every single detail from his dream. He remembered how small Yoongis pale waist was, he remembered how cute his eyes looked whenever they locked eyes, and how they sparkled. He remembered how his legs shook at the end, his favorite.
He looked down at the noticeable tent in his shorts. He groaned, cursing his mind for thinking about Yoongi twice and causing both times, for him to get a boner.
He got up and took care of his problem, not wanting to take a shower.
He got out of the bathroom and changed into some black sweatpants and an oversized white plain shirt.
He went downstairs and made himself a bowl of cereal.
He ate and put on some slides then decided to go outside to shoot some hoops. suddenly, he hears yelling from across the street, and sees Yoongi being thrown out, plus the dog running after him.
"YOONGI OPEN THIS DOOR." He heard his father bang against the said object, which was locked.
"Leave me alone!" He cried, this doesn't usually happen. It's pretty rare, that's why he's always scared whenever it does happen.
Yoongi didn't open the door.
His dad punched and kicked at it, finally breaking it down. Yoongi screamed and tried to run past time, but his father caught his arm, and gripped it tight,
"Ow! you're hurting me!" Yoongi sobbed.
"I REFUSE to live with a faggot! get out!"
He threw the boy out the front door, not even making an effort to get the dog that ran out next to Yoongi.
The pink haired male sobbed, and slowly got up, wiping down his black skirt, which he wore with a white top. He knew Holly wouldn't run away, so he didn't pick him up or anything.
He heard the door open,
"GET OFF MY PROPERTY." He heard, his dad came stomping towards him, to which he scrambled to move to the sidewalk, where the old man nodded then went back inside.
Hoseok saw a man speed walk towards Yoongi, and him run away to the sidewalk.
He then saw the small boy squat and cry in his hands for a bit. Yoongi stood up, and wiped his ongoing tears. He decided to go over and see what was wrong.
He ran across the road and patted Yoongis shoulder, to which he turned around,
"Oh...Hi, H-Hoseok..."
"Hey, what's wrong? was that your dad?" Hoseok asked.
"Oh...y-you saw...but yeah...t-that was...my dad..."
"What happened? why'd he throw you out like that?"
"He said..h-he didn't want to live with a f-faggot..."
Hoseoks face turned from sympathy into anger, how could anyone do that to their child,
"Can i just like- punch him?"
Yoongi laughed through the tears,
"Maybe later. B-but i'm just going to call Tae...maybe i can stay over at his place s-since he lives alone..."
Hoseok nodded, watching as Yoongi called Taehyung and explained everything, soon hanging up,
"H-he'll be here soon...but...my clothes..."
Hoseok took Yoongis hand in his then walked up the porch stairs and banged on the door, waiting for it to open.
"Who the fuck-"
"Hi bitch ass mother fucker we need to get his clothes now if you'll just MOVE your old wrinkly duck out of the way that'd be FANTASTIC," Hoseok said as he shoved his way in and up the stairs, Yoongi led them to his room and got a bag them filled it up with a few pairs of clothes and some necessities,
Hearing the stomps up the stairs, Yoongi quickly lacked the rest and zipped up his backpack, but as soon as he was going to open the door, it quickly opened, hitting him and making him fall back (yoongi falls a lot lmao)
Hoseok quickly stepped between him and his father,
The old man laughed,
"So you brain washed one of the football players to be gay...a fag. Well done Yoongi, well done."
"Yoongi didn't do anything, in fact, we were just leaving so bye you stank ass old crusty dusty musty dirty pedo." Hoseok said, lifting Yoongi up bridal style while quickly getting out of there. He ran across the street to his house and placed Yoongi back onto his feet.
"Thank you...and i'm sorry for being such a burden..." Yoongi said.
"You're not a burden, Yoongz. I told you that i would protect you."
Yoongi smiled as Taehyung rolled up in his car,
"Yoongi! let's go! we need to get a few things- oh, heyy Hoseokkkk."
Yoongi laughed at his best friend's stupidity,
"That's my queue, thank you for everything, Hoseok. I hope my mother can kick that man out or something."
Hoseok nodded, "I do to, i like you living right across the street."
"Mhm..I'll see you soon!"
Yoongi got into the car and Tae drove off, leaving Hoseok to just go back inside only to do...nothing.
Yoongi woke up next to Taehyung, they always shared a bed together cause they've been friends for many, many years and they're just that comfortable with each other.
Yoongi checked the time and rolled over onto Taehyung,
"Tae...we gotta get up for school..." He sleepily said.
The said male finally woke up, pushing Yoongi off and sitting up,
"I don't want to go school today..." He said, Yoongi agreeing,
"Especially that i literally got kicked out yesterday, but my mom secretly supports me behind his back so maybe this'll make her snap. Since she pays the bills and all he does is pay the groceries."
Taehyung laughed and got up, getting changed,
"But you and Hoseok...Yall got it going i see."
"I've spotted him checking out my ass a couple times." Yoongi smirked,
"A couple? damn, all Jungkook looks at is my lips and neck."
Yoongi rolled onto his back, now looming at Tae upside down,
"Hey tae?"
"Have you and Jungkook have sex before?"
Taehyung smiled at the random question,
"Yeah. We have."
"What does it feel like?" The pinky asked,
"Well...It feels really good, i don't know it's just...so nice, you'll always crave for more. But if must be consensual and use protection, cause you don't want no std."
Yoongi laughed at the last part,
"What does he do afterwards? aren't you sore?"
"The soreness comes in the morning, but you'll be exhausted. But Jungkook usually runs us a bath and just carries me in there. He's a slut for aftercare."
"I see, thanks, Tae." Yoongi got up and went through his bag to find a pair of sweatpants and a big shirt, he wasn't in the mood to show off today,
"If you want to do it with Hoseok...he looks kinky, just find out what those are then you'll be all set. But make sure those are within your boundaries." Taehyung said. They walked out and into Taes car,
"Of course."
"Awwww my little baby is growing upppp." Taehyung faked cried.
"I'm sorry that i havnt been in a relationship since the seventh grade."
"throwing shade at my relationship, I see."
"It's what i do best."
"Hoseok! quit daydreaming and get in line!" His coach yelled,
"Sorry, Coach." He said, running into line, he could tell today was going to be a looong day.
Hoseok jogged into the cafeteria, going to sit with the popular kids at the tables,
"Sup fam." He said, sitting down, stealing some of his friends food,
"Hey Hoseok, how was practice?" His girl said, moving to sit next to him, she's always been chasing after him and he knows it.
"Hey Chuni, uhhhh, it was fine."
He scooted closer, her boobs practically touching his arm, he tried to scoot away but there was no more room,
"Oh really? anyways...wanna come to mine after school?" She said, biting her lip,
"Uh no thanks, i'm busy..."
She TRIED to cutely pout, but every male there just cringed,
"Awwwee, what will you be doing? maybe i can...join you..." She ran her finger down his chest, he was so over it lmao.
He looked over and say Yoongi laughing, he was coming down his isle whenever suddenly, Hoseok grabbed his shirt and pulled him onto his lap,
"Hoseok what-"
"This is my boyfriend...Yoongi, haha..."
Chuni gasped,
"You two are...dating?!" She looked at Yoongi, who looked at Hoseok, who's eyes were literally begging him to just go with it,
"Ahem...uh, yeah, yeah we're dating, is there a problem?" Yoongi said.
"But Hoseok! him? out of everyone you chose him?!"
Hoseok rolled his eyes,
"You're acting like i'm the only dude on earth for you, there's plenty more."
She scoffed and moved back to her own table with the girls. Hoseok sighed as Yoongi slid off his lap and onto the spot where Chuni was sitting,
"Mind explaining?" Yoongi said.
"She's been throwing herself over me and she's just so annoying, but thanks for going along with it."
"Well, i guess i did owe you something for all the times you've helped me."
Hoseok nodded,
"Sorry for pulling you away like that, it was my bad."
"Don't worry about it, well, i'll get back to my friends, c ya,"
Hoseok turned back to see all his friends smirking,
"Yoongi, you're not gunna eat?"
Yoongi shook his head, "No, i need to save my money, i'll just eat something at your house."
Taehyung nodded, handing Yoongi a piece of his pizza.
The day moved on and they went home, Jungkook tagging along with them.
"You guys better not have sex, if i hear something i will be throwing a fit."
"We promiseeee."
"These fuckers fucking? hell naw i'm out." Yoongi stood up and adjusted his very short skirt, he was having a mini fashion show with himself and heard moaning, unfortunately.
He had a short skirt on, on that you can kinda see his ass with. He usually wore panties so he didn't have to worry about anyone seeing the bottom of his boxers or anything.
He grabbed his phone and slowly stepped outside, it was very much cold, but he went anyways and made his way to the park, where he found a bench to sit on.
"What's with me being everywhere you are?" He heard a familiar voice next to him,
"Oh- Hi, Hoseok."
"What's up?" He said, sitting down.
"Tae and his boyfriend started fucking, so i left."
"I see...Isnt it a bit too cold be be wearing such a short skirt?"
Yoongi smirked,
"Why? does it distract you?"
"Actually yeah it kinda does."
Yoongi stood up, Hoseok doing the same,
"Where so?"
The redhead smiled and shook his head,
The smaller stepped closer, to their bodies were almost touching,
"My body is...distracting you?"
"It is..."
Yoongi grabbed Hoseoks hands and placed them on his hips, moving forward so now they were as close as can be,
"Mind, showing me where?"
The tallers hands moved down to Yoongis ass, cupping them,
"Riiiiight here."
The pink haired male smiled,
"Anywhere else?"
The hands moved the the back of his thighs, lifting him up surprisingly, making him straddle Hoseok,
"These thighs, are killing me."
Yoongi leaned forward, capturing their lips in a pretty heated kiss. They've both had their first kiss already, so it wasn't a problem.
"Wanna...come over?" The younger offered, he received a nod. perfect :>
"A-ah~ Hoseokie~"
Was he railing the life outta Yoongi? yeah. and what about it?
Hoseok thrusted faster, turning Yoongi around onto his back so he could see his face,
"Y-You okay kitty?" He asked.
"Y-Yeah, mMm~ F-faster~"
Yoongis thighs shook, Hoseok locked hands with Yoongi, soon coming undone into the condom, as the other came onto their stomachs.
Hoseok breathed a bit then pulled out, taking off the condom and tying it, throwing it away.
He got a towel and cleaned off the cum on their stomachs, not even bothering to dress themselves as they got into the blankets, immediately falling asleep.
Morning rolled in, and Hoseok was the first one to wake up, but only a few minutes later did Yoongi wake up with excruciating pain in his rear end.
"Couldnt go any softer huh?" He said.
Hoseok laughed as he put on some basketball shorts,
"You're the one that told me to go faster."
"Touché. I guess we're not going to school?"
"I mean i could but i won't leave you here alone."
"How sweet. Okay we need to take a showey we smell like sweat and cum."
"Yeah, showey."
They both took a shower, making eachother fall,
"Hoseok i swear to god if you make me fall straight on my ass i will murder you."
"oH iM sO scAr-OW!"
They got out and got dressed, Hoseok handed Yoongi a pair of shorts and his football jersey.
"Sorry it's no skirt but it's all i got."
"Don't worry about it, i like it."
"Great, but i have a question."
Yoongis head perked up,
"What does this make us?" He asked.
"I don't...know?"
"I see.."
"But i gotta admit, ive liked you for many, many months. Just pointing that out."
Hoseoks jaw dropped,
"You. Liked me?"
Yoongi nodded,
"I still do."
"Was that...your first time..having sex?"
Yoongi slowly nodded, making Hoseoks eyes widen,
"But i'm..kinda glad it was with you, though you might drop me after this and call it a one night stand...um..yeah i think i should go...i'm sorry..for all of this, though i don't regret it-"
Yoongi tried to stand up, but he would've fallen if it weren't for Hoseok catching him,
"I don't regret it either, Yoongi. Though i might've had sex before, and probably called it a one night stand, i won't think that of you. At least let me take you on a couple dates."
Yoongi smiled,
A few days went by, Taehyung begged Yoongi to come back and that he was sorry, which Yoongi did go back, and Hoseok was planning their date on friday, since they got off due to a teacher work day.
He was going to take Yoongi to a cat cafe, since it was a cute idea.
so, he asked for Taehyung address, then on friday, he went to pick Yoongi up.
"You look cuteeee." Hoseok said, seeing Yoongi wearing a pink skirt with a white top, plus some pink sunglasses on his head.
"Why thank you, you don't look too bad yourself."
Hoseok smiled, letting Yoongi into the passenger side. He got into the drivers seat and pulled out, on his way to the cafe,
"So, where we going?" yoongi asked.
"Patience, sweets." He said, making the other blush.
Yoongi fixed his pink hair and turned up the radio, him and the redhead sang along to songs before pulling into a parking spot.
"Hoseok! a cat cafe?" Yoongi smiled,
"Mhm, i thought it was a cute idea."
"It is! let's go! come on!"
Hoseok awed at the adorable sight, and the sight inside was even cuter.
The cats were all over Yoongi, Hoseok let him be and got a table for two.
Yoongi saw and slowly stood up, minding his steps of the cats while walking over to the table,
"Hoseok this is amazing! so cuteee~" Yoongi smiled his iconic gummy smile.
They ordered some drinks and played with the kitties for a bit, before having to leave.
"That was amazing! thank you, Hoseokie!"
Hoseok smiled at the nickname,
"Anytime, babe." He playfully winked at the shorter, causing a bright pink shade to take over his cute cheeks.
"Say, Hoseok...have you ever dated anyone?" Yoongi asked as they got into the car.
"I have. I've dated three girls."
"Girls? are you bi?"
"I am, but i've never seen a boy as pretty as you."
"Aish...stop flirting!"
Hoseok smiled,
"Mmm, do what you want..."
"Do you..want to have a sleepover? my parents are obviously not home, so..yeah."
"Alright, sure. lets keep it clean and no sex this time, is that fine?"
"That's more than fine."
They walked over to Hoseok house, Yoongi letting his best friend know that he won't be there that night.
They went inside, Yoongi now getting a good look at the house since he didn't get to last time,
"It's very clean, i do say." He said, making Hoseok laugh,
"Yeah, i don't do much, that's why i always go out."
"Your room is cozy, that's my favorite place." Yoongi said.
"It's basically the only place you've spent time in."
Yoongi glared at Hoseok,
"Let me have my fun."
Yoongi walked into the ginormous kitchen,
"Wow, i like the kitchen...but i bet you don't know how to cook."
Hoseok nervously smiled,
"That's correct...haha..."
They finally made their way upstairs to Hoseoks room, where Yoongi flopped onto the bed,
"You have the most comfortable bed ever."
The smaller sat up,
"Sooo, whatcha wanna do?"
"I don't know, we could watch a movie orrrrrr...that's all i got."
"Then let's watch a movie."
"Yoongi are you crying?"
"Y-Yes! s-she just died!"
Hoseok laughed,
"Don't cryyyyy"
"I-I can't help i-it!"
"Well, the movies over and its like- 1 in the morning since we had to keep pausing cause you wanted macncheese."
"It was good, admit it."
After a couple more dates, and sleepovers, dirty or not, they finally got together, officially.
"Babeeee, where's my hat? I thought i left it here?" Hoseok complained,
"It's in the laundry room, you took it there getting the laundry and left it there." Yoongi replied. The other smiled and pecked the others lips as a thank you.
Yoongi continued to wash the dishes, putting them into the dishwasher. He finished, cleaning his hands and wondering where his boyfriend was.
"Hoseok? where are you?
The redhead popped out from the side wall, scaring the other.
Yoongi pouted, to get revenge,
"Awwwee im sorry Yooniebear..I'm sorryyyy."
"Nooo, that was mean :<."
"I'm sorry i love youuu so muchhhh."
"I love you to, you big baby."
If you have any requests let me know!

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