Chapter one

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Disclaimer: This is a fiction story and not all of it is based on real life, Most of the places are made up. eg: the historical park is something I made up; if it exists, it is only a coincidence. Feel free to correct me and educate me please.


Third Person POV

Waking up with an aching body, Y/N sat up and stretched their arms as their joints made a pop sound. They open their eyes to see unfamiliar surroundings. Their eyes widen as they realize.

Where the fuck am I. Fuck fuck fuck fuck!

They look around more in search of their friends but all they see are trees around them. They stood up abruptly and started pacing around. 'How did I get here?? Where is this place? WHERE THE FUCK ARE MY FRIENDS!?' Y/N shouted hyperventilating. They start to feel dizzy from the lack of oxygen.

It's ok, it's ok, it's ok, it's ok, stay calm. They thought, trying to stop themselves from having a panic attack.

Taking deep breaths to calm themselves, they gathered their thoughts and started to look for their friends by following the trail in front of them. Not long after, they found Ray unconscious on the grass floor. 'Ray!' shouted them as they knelt beside her body. She steered in her sleep but showed no sign of waking up. Y/N face turned serious as they put their hands on both Ray's shoulders.

'RAY RAY WAKE UP, I DON'T LIKE THIS, RAY RAY WAKE UP, HEY HELLO?!' Screamed Y/N as they shake Ray roughly. Ray's once peaceful expression turned to panic as she opened her eyes in shock. 'WHAT, WHAT HAPPEN?!' She yelled as sat up to look at Y/N and push their hands off her.

Y/N started babbling non-understandable explanations but Ray somehow understood them. Ray nodded as her messy raven hair moves alongside her, trying to think of a plan. 'Ok, first we need to find Ben.' Ray stated as she stood up and brushed the dirt off her clothes. Y/N followed suit and they walked on the path searching for Ben.

Along the path, Y/N glance toward Ray's messy hair and see a leaf on it. Y/N raised a hand to reach for it but Ray instinctively swats it away, looking at them wearily. Y/N shot her a questioning look and plucked off the leaf. They showed it to her and blow it on her face as Ray scowled. 'Relax Ray~, It's not like I'm gonna pluck your hair out.' Y/N playfully said while rolling their eyes. Ray let out a sarcastic laugh and they continued walking in silenced.

After a long walk, they finally found Ben, and with him is their stuff. Ben was rummaging in his backpack in search of something.

'Ben!' Both of them yelled as they ran towards him. Ben prepared himself for impact and closed his eyes but was instead met with nothing. Opening one eye, he sees his friends taking their bags. He let out a small cough, using his hand to cover his mouth, hoping they wouldn't see his slight blush of embarrassment.

'My sling bag is here along with the item inside' Stated Y/N.

'Me too' Added Ray. They huddled together, questioning each other about the possibilities of how they ended up in the woods. 'I don't recall entering these woods.' Says Ray, trying her hardest to remember. Ben and Y/N nodded in agreement. At that moment, they only have one thought.

What happened?

You may also be wondering what's going on. Well, let me tell you how it all begins~
(wooshing dreamy flashback sound with hand gesture ~~~)


My alarms blared causing me to groan and reach for my phone blindly while covering my ears using the pillow. Not managing to find it, I grumpily sit up. Stretching my hands up whilst letting out a yawn, then shutting the alarm off. I take hold of my phone and look at the time.

This is just great! ( Countryhumans x reader ) REWRITEWhere stories live. Discover now