Potions Used by Evil

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Stress had felt a sharp pain in her leg and laugher like impulses but it echoed and was much deeper than it should have been. Then she passes out wih twelve diamonds in her hand.

When she wakes up the diamonds are gone she goes to Iskalls house meowing franticlly he does not understand her he tried to get some tuna from Grian he gives it to them and mentioned not seeing stress for a while.

Iskall then asked if Grian would like to take care of her he declines natral brown and white cats don't spawn naturally. Both of the human hermits get paper and put yes and no they ask are you Stress she steps on the yes paper. they ask again she then again steps on the yes paper. Then the hermits fly off to go to X's Stress follows them

 Then the hermits fly off to go to X's Stress follows them

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Tango and Bdubs volunteer to look for the cure. They don't say why but, within  two hours they had found the cure. Tango had a split lip and a gash on the left side of his face. Bdubs hand was shaking his breath came out in rigid gasps. They had been attacked and Bdubs took the potion and ran.

When Zedaph was sleeping he was abducted. Keralis was waking him up when, Impulse walked in he walked in and his voice was deeper and had a echo "I see you have the captive blindfolded and tied up." Impulse walked forward to Keralis his boots clicked ominously. He chuckled "Thank you Keralis for not failing me again."
This was not the Impulse he knew he must have been possessed.

He reached for his communicator but, was stopped by a swift hand. He felt a hot liquid on his arm it started to burn the pain was so bad he let out a scream Tango heard from outside his toon towers. He started crying Impulse showed no emotion. Keralis was also being possessed but, his posseser had red and black normal eyes. The possesser loved collecting heads for some reason and liked Zed.

(Guess who)

Zed knew they were possessed and, he had to tell someone. Easier said than done. Keralis took his blindfold off and Impulse asked him " What the hell are you doing to the captive BAT?" He spat his words seething with rage. Keralis responded with "letting him suffer by seeing your glowing black eyes Impulse was his friend." "Is" Zed corrected. "Impulse is my friend." Zed firmly stated.

See if he's your friend now. The monster showed Impulses memories of the boomers the turfwar and impulse and tango making the road in the shopping district. All those happy memories you were not a part of how is he your friend. Friends don't need to be with each other all the time but, if you call they will answer no matter what.

"Tango heard you" Impulse mocked their friendship. "He is probably worried and he can be as quiet as a mouse sometimes." Zed was firm in his word and looking Impulse dead in the eyes.

With Impulse occupied Tango snuck in to his tower and Keralis saw him and acted like he didn't but, Impulse saw Tango and Tango reacted he grabbed a potion threw it at Zed killing him. Then Impulse charged at Tango but was knocked down by Keralis. "Why would you possess your friend X." I am not my brother Ex put his dagger swirling with magic around it to Impulses neck. EX IMPULSE IS OUR FRIEND! PLEASE DONT HURT HIM! PLEASE!

I would never hurt you or stresses friends the magic will kill the possesser and Impulse will have a tiny scar from the dagger but, the dagger will kill Nitcov forever. "What about you will you be OK." Tango asked concerned for his friend. "No I will not be ok but, I will do this anyway. As if on cue X flew in keeping Impulse down but his hand where his brother was about to stab.

Not letting him commit suicide by using to much magic.

Now to ban him and find Zed. X got up then hugged Keralis that was possessed by his brother. Then banned Nitcov and Ex so Keralis and Impulse could be back but, before he banned Nitcov he said a spell then a small star formed on his fingers he touched the air above Nitcov and yellow lines of magic was visible one on this throat two crisscrossing on his back and three on his legs and his arms were stuck under him and a small Zed was standing on top of him even though he is small Zed was not afraid to protect his friends

"Ex you were banned correct" a small Dragon human hybrid about 26 with a black hoodie and black hair blue scales red horns and red spikes she looked very mature and powerful.

"Y-yes why." He felt exposed and scared how did this girl know him. "I need to find a good server for you." She sounded younger than she looked. "A-a good server for me." He was scared he didn't know what to expect. You are a good person with a bad way of doing it.  Your brother knows this I know this and Nitcov knew that. That's why he hated you. "I will find you a server soon don't worry."
Thank you kind lady" he bowed showing his thanks.
"I'm 16" she was freaked out
"YOUR ONLY 16?!" His voice went up two octaves. He bowed to a teen
"Yep I'm a teen old man" she sassily responded. Like any teen

"OLD MA- yep I'm old but your so young and look like your older than you are." He was insulted but accepted it.

"Its because of my makeup and facial expression. I should smile more but, I don't." She laughed to hide the pain.

"Never tell a sad girl to smile it only takes one more muscle to punch someone in the face." He responded kindly like if you want to hate life don't hide it.

"How do you know?" She asked concerned why would he know how she feels when someone tells her look pretty or smile no-one likes a sad girl.

"False." "My brothers girlfriend." He chuckled "They are perfect together. He was smiling for the first time in a while. She was laughing.

He was  sutible for a server like Hermitcraft or the Dream SMP or X life if there was a spot open.

"Just so you know EX I like you you get me unlike so many people who tell me look pretty or no-one likes a sad girl." She looked at the ground and whispered  "You seem to know that if someone feels sad and like they want to give up." "Don't force them to be happy." He gave her a hug.
"I know how it feels but you are not alone young lady." "Neither are you old man." They both hugged a mutual understanding that they would need each other again.

Back at the Hermitcraft server X had splashed Zed with the potion and Stress  drank her potion she could shape shift at will now and Zed's wings got bigger for some reason. In the back of X's mind he felt like he should have not banned X but, he was in Kerallis's body so he had too.

 In the back of X's mind he felt like he should have not banned X but, he was in Kerallis's body so he had too

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