•Chapter 18• Manipulation

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Chad walked along, holding Robyn's hand as they went. Robyn skipped along, happily sharing stories of what he dreams his future will hold.

"What about a male model?" Robyn questioned excitedly. Chad smirked and ruffled his brother's hair, processing his brother's idea.

"That sounds awesome. I think you would be the perfect model. You know what? I can't wait to join college with you. We can have endless amounts of subjects to pick and-" Chad rambled on until he heard his brother clear his throat multiple times.

"Robyn, you ok?" Chad asked, a concerned tone laced in his voice. Robyn began to shake and shiver, until finally he started to cough. This went on for a few minutes until specs of blood landed on his hand.

Chad lay his brother sideways on the floor, yelling out for help. He shook Robyn, clutching onto his hand with both of his until a person shuffled up to them and dialled for an ambulance.

Robyn sobbed, the pain too overwhelming for him to handle. His cheeks ran red with his tears which were surprisingly blood. Chad shook as he heard his brother scream, blood soaking the younger boy's cheeks.

Chad vowed he would never let anyone hurt his brother. Not even if it was accidental. He never wanted to hear another scream leave his brother's mouth, not even once.


T shuffled his way to Rosie's room. It had been a while since he had spoke with her and he wanted to know how she felt. He lightly knocked on the door, a sheepish grin falling over his face as milk chocolate brown eyes stared back at him.

"Hey T! Do you want anything?" She replied, he hair messy from where she hadn't brushed it. T shrugged, stepping in when she moved backwards. He looked at her walls. They were covered in pictures all sorts of fictional and real life people. Rosie allowed him to survey her room, giving him none of her attention whatsoever. He plonked down on her given bed, smiling as she closed the door and made her way to a small wheelie chair that sat in her room.

"So, how have you been lately? I've also found out something very special about you and a certain someone. Is it true that you and Rick are making romantic advances?" T teased, his smile growing wider as he watched her expression change when realisation hit her.

"Wait, what? I don't get it."

"I mean, are you and Rick together in that way now? I mean you two are the perfect couple, so why not?"

"Oh. Yeah, we are kinda I guess. I mean I like him a lot and it's way too obvious he likes me, but I'm not sure if it's official." T looked over at Rosie as she fiddled with her fingers.

"Great to know. So, how are you?" He repeated.

"I'm ok." Rosie replied shortly, still not looking up from her hands.

"Would you like to try baking something?" T asked. Rosie's head shot up and she nodded, a small smile slowly etched on her face.


Rosie read out the ingredients, T navigated his way through the kitchen. It's a simple cookie T. A simple cookie! Yet why can't I make it? The last batch went horribly wrong!

The doors opened, a figure stood between them and the two students stared. Tom stared back at them, a straight face and a box filled to the brim with secret objects.

"Hello T. Rosie. I would like to convince you to help me out here. You see, I want you two to kill someone. Nobody special. Just a random talentless student. But you both have to do it. Are you in?"

T and Rosie both shook their heads. Tom sighed.

"I knew I would need these." Tom got out a few envelopes of pictures. He handed them to the two of them and closed the box. T noticed that the envelopes in the box were named with his classmates names.

T opened the envelope, Rosie following him. He carefully tipped the pictures into his flowery hands. He shook with terror at the sight of dozens of pictures of his mother, tied up, blindfolded and scared. He could see the tears rolling down her cheeks. Rosie gasped next to him as she flicked through her pictures.

"So, what do you say now? Will you do it for me?"

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