•Chapter 17• Shots in the Dark

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T grumbled as he shifted around in his designated bed, uncomfortable with the fact it was smaller than his one at school. He twisted and turned, clutching on to the quilt as his dream took over.

T was stood in a wooded area, surrounded by his friends. As he looked around, he shuddered as Rick and Bluebell where kicked to the floor by the many blank-faced students stood around him and his classmates. He looked around to see Sir stood back-to-back with him, his back straight and his arms by his side.

T turned around, only to be pulled by one of the students with no faces. He cried out, realising that the only two people that were fighting over him were also pushed to the floor, held to the ground.

T woke up in a cold sweat, panting and shivering. He let out a sigh as he looked around his darkened room, no blank-faced people in sight. He heard creaking on the floorboards outside of his room, only for them to stop and startle him.

He was debating on wether to slowly lie back and pretend he was asleep or wether to stay sitting upright. He had no time to choose when his door was flung open by a concerned Chloe. She waddled in, phone in hand and blanket wrapped around her cozily. T gulped, relieved his friend had come in.

"T, did you not hear a bang? It sounded like a firework of some sort. Whatever it was, I didn't like the sound of it, I was just making sure you were awake... you are awake aren't you?" Chloe strained out her words, fed up with socialising and the outside world.

"I'll check it out with you. Make sure to look out for anything suspicious." He replied, rubbing his eyes and grabbing his glasses from the side table. With a puff of air, he slipped his fluffy bunny slippers on his feet, shuffling slowly down the corridors as Chloe walked alongside him.

A sudden stampede of flat footsteps slapped on the floor, heading their direction. The first person to be seen was Harrison, who was flustered and upset. The next person was a surprisingly shocked Carmen, a blubbering Robyn and a concerned Chad.

T gulped as the group stopped in front of them. They looked over at them, eyeing them suspiciously. Chloe looked over at them, confused. T's face resembled hers, a confused and questioning look.

"You guys didn't happen to know there was a dead body, did you?" Asked Adan slowly, raising an eyebrow.

"Well, that would explain the bang-" Chloe started, being interrupted by Mortimer.

"Okay there tough nuts, it's time to look at the hard evidence and the speculation, then we have a trial, and then we have a conviction. I hope you guys are ready." Mortimer bounced his short hair, his earring jangling as his locks knocked it.


Everyone stood there looking at each other. Everyone was confused and shaky. No one wanted the "Spotlight of Blame" pointed their way. Not today.

The body had a large, circular wound, a pool of blood beneath them and a few muddy footprints. Nothing was as hard as the last trials, although since this murder was that of a talentless student, the other students had no experience since theirs was on murder cases of themselves. Their own friends and family.

"I'm sure we would all agree that it was a double murder and the two suspects are T and Chloe. I mean it's kinda obvious if you think about it. They were shuffling down the halls together while we ran away from the crime scene, probably to cover up tracks or get back to their rooms." Klara stated matter of factly. She skimmed her fingers through her hair, a smirk on her face.

Someone slammed their hands down on their stand in rage. Everyone turned around, only to see Marvin, his nostrils flared and his eyes narrowed.

•Psychotic Energy: A Danganronpa Fanfiction•Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt