Just a stupid crush

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Dean's POV

"Cas?" I asked he didn't answer. I guess he doesn't hear me. I took up my phone. I sent a messege to the pc. It said "Can you come? Sam fell asleep". Sam was sleeping peacefully. He have been through so much today. I heard Cas get up. He came walking. "Hi" I said. Maybe he wants to be my friend again. But I do want more but that won't happen. "Hi" Cas said. Cas sat down on my left side on a chair. Sam was laying on my right. It was quite. It was uncomfortable quite. "Can I tell you something?" Cas asked. "Sure" I said. "I..I am gay" Cas said. "w-what?" I said. I..I don't know what to say.."I had a stupid crush on you. Its over now" Cas said. I..stupid..I..that fucking hurt..I felt my eyes start to get watery. I tried to look away so he won't see it. I couldn't control it. It fucking hurt I..Cas got up and left and went to the pc. I felt the tears strim down my face. I couldn't control it..I tried to be quite so he wouldn't hear it. I was just a stupid crush..nothing more..I held my arm over my face. I started to cry uncontrollably. I tried to stop.

"D-Dean?" Sam said. I held my breath then I heard him. "Are you crying?" Sam asked. "N-no" I said. I didn't know what to say. "D-did I do it?" Sam asked worried. "N-no" I said. Sam took my hand down from my face. "Who did it?" Sam asked worried. Cas walked in. "What's happening?" Cas asked. Sam looked at Cas. "Dean was crying, he says it wasn't me" Sam said and turn to me. He looked worried. I couldn't look at cas. "Can I talk to him alone?" Cas asked. Sam looked at Cas and then back at me. "Okay, say something if you need me Dean" Sam said and walked away and to the head phones.

Cas looked at me. I didn't look at him. "Did you cry because of what I said?" Cas asked. I don't want to answer that. "Dean?" Cas asked. "YES OKAY, I..I LIKED YOU..and I still do" I said. just a stupid crush. my eyes where so blurry. Cas was just standing there. "I..Y-you like like me?" Cas asked. "What is it that you don't understand?" I said hurt. I looked him in the eyes. "I..I am so sorry I..I though you didn't, s-so I said that so you would want to be my friend after..I am really s-sorry.. I still like you" Cas said. I..I don't know what to say.. Cas walked towards me. I looked at him. He took my hand. He was looking me in the eye. "I am so sorry. I never meant to hurt you" Cas said. He was holding my hand. "I am so sorry" Cas said. He had tears in his eyes. "its okay, you made It better" I said.

The hero Dean WinchesterWhere stories live. Discover now