Part 4: London - Chapter 22

Start from the beginning

"You talk like a vice-president," Laurent observes.

"I've been a vice-president," Philip says. "I've also been a convict, a drug addict, and a punk musician, if you're questioning my bona fides. I've spent months sleeping rough. I've broken bones at demonstrations. I've negotiated million-pound contracts. The foundation is not some fly-by-night group of freaks and misfits with a single 'sugar daddy', to use your lovely North American phrase. We are a thoughtful and professional group. And we think it behooves us to sound thoughtful and professional."

Laurent nods, satisfied.

"So," Philip says. "To continue. However convincing Mr. Campbell may have sounded, we agree that it's best that you stay out of France for the foreseeable future. Losing Mr. Kell is regrettable, but he has agreed to perform knowledge transfer to our chosen replacement, yes? Or at least intends to document everything?"

Angus nods.

"Mr. Kell isn't himself a disclosure risk, is he?" Philip asks. "I gather he's leaving because he's become disenchanted –"

"No," Angus said shortly. "Keiran won't talk."

"Well then. We're still in a favourable position. We have no smoking gun, but our plan never called for one. We have full access to everything Kishkinda knows. Pulling you out of France on a precautionary basis means we can't move against their management there. But we have developed a new strategy based on the information you uncovered. Specifically, that Kishkinda is in takeover talks."

Angus looks at Philip quizzically. "What does that have to do with us?"

"Terre," Philip says. "They own forty percent. Effective control. It's time to move up the food chain and go after the big dog. We need to show them, and this Zulu Fields outfit, that owning the Kishkinda Mine is not worth the risk. If we convince Terre to shut down the mine, the battle is won. And Terre is based right here in London."

"What are you suggesting?"

"A few visible actions, a few heart-to-heart conversations with Terre's senior management, and they will crumble."

Danielle knows what that means. More violence. Kidnapping or mugging Terre's management, threatening them and their families with worse if they don't leave the company.

"We'll know when it's working," Philip continues. "We'll see it in the stock price. We'll make owning Kishkinda uneconomical. And nobody else will want to buy it and risk the same thing happening to them. They'll have no choice but to shut it down. The City and Wall Street will demand it."

"Sounds lovely," Angus says. "Let's return to the world of specifics and details, shall we? What exactly would you like us to do next?"

"We need to announce to the world that Terre is under assault, and make it clear that Kishkinda is the cause. Something public, to make the City take notice. But nothing drastic. An obvious but unexercised option of violence. The specifics?" Philip shrugs. "Your bailiwick. Do whatever you think is right."

"This is a whole new kettle of fish," Estelle says skeptically. "Kishkinda was one thing, but Terre, how big are they again?"

"Eight billion pounds of revenue in the last year," Philip says. "They're an elephant. Once roused they'll be enormously dangerous. That's true. But they're also slow and clumsy. A little group like you can dance around them as long as you need to. So long as you're careful. Remember, they're a business. Your job is to be a thorn in their side that is cheaper to have removed than to destroy."

"Where is their London office?" Laurent asks.

Philip says, "Hammersmith."

** *

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