Chapter 1 : The beginning

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Pov Y/N

Lisa : Are you ready for the magic exam ?

Rosé : Ya but isn't soul extraction hard .

Y/N : No it's just tiring.

Jisoo: Well I agree with Y/N.

So today we have our final magic exam of the year .

We are in 9th grade. In a couple months we will finally get to meet our families . Cause we haven't met them since we were 5 . We don't even know our backgrounds . Like don't get why they say it's so that we don't discriminate others but people will always find something to discriminate.

After the test

Y/N : that was so easy !

JisooRoséLisa: ya.

Jennie : That easy for you people to say your all amazing at it .

Rosé: We worked hard to get here .

Jennie: Well you should be thanking me for pushing you to do that.

Lisa: Well you bullied us saying that we were weak in magic and now that were amazing and always are ahead of the class you and you hate on us for that seriously , make up your mind !

Jennie: I'm not hating on you , ugh.

Jennie leaves.

Jisoo : That girl is so annoying.

Y/N: Ya.

In the garden.

Nancy : Hey look at loser who couldn't do a simple spell !

Y/N : That was last year and that one spell I know at least ten more spells than you

Nancy : ya let's see about that .

Nancy throws a magic ball at her.

Lisa : Show her how it's done.

Y/N removes all the leaves from nearby trees and makes a tornado around Nancy keeps it until Nancy gets dizze they remove it. Then Nancy falls on the ground.

Y/N : You should fight people on your level .

Turns to leave the garden

Jennie POV

I'm just watching Nancy and Y/N . Like why did Nancy think she could beat Y/N .Like Y/ N is in the gifted division like what.

Y/N : You should fight people on your own level .

Like hell ya that is a fact I wouldn't even dare to do a magic duel with Y/N .

Jennie : ya fight people on your level Nancy.

Y/N : *turns to me why are you being so nice to us ?

Jisoo : Ya why?

They all turn to me.

Jennie : Well I was stating a fact .

Y/N : Ok what do you want ?

Jennie : So .. you know we have the the magic project ,right?

Rosé: the one where we need to make a project with people from all kingdoms .

Jennie : Ya that one.

Y/N : So..

Jennie : Well can I be the person from Yin Yang kingdom cause I am so can I be a part of your group for the project.

Jisoo: We'll think about it.

3rd person POV

Then they went to there dorms.

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