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A/N Note : Sorry if this intro is a little long
The Kingdoms
So there there are 6 kingdoms
Kingdom of Elsanora
- Most powerful kingdom
- Kingdom represents magic

Kingdom of Northuldra
- Kingdom represents water

Kingdom of Calida
-Kingdom repesents fire

Kingdom of Ailla
- Kingdom represents air

Kingdom of Yin Yang
- Kingdom represents good and evil created when leaders of Yin and Yang kingdoms married

Now for their School Aura Academy
- Kids send at the age a five
-  They are sent so young so that they don't know their backgrounds
- Located in the centre of all the kingdoms
-All royals and elite send their children their
-Teachers from all kingdoms
- Students not allowed outside the school
- Teachers are not allowed to talk about the outside world that much
- Students have internet but censored
- Kids are allowed to call their parents but not allowed to talk about background
- Students are able to vist home in 10th

Now for the Characters
Y/N Elsanora
- From Kingdom of Elsanora
-Really good at magic
- Powerful loves food
-  Friends with Lisa , Rosé , Jisoo

Lisa Manabon
- From Kingdom of Northuldra
- Good at controlling water
- Good at using magical weapons
- Loves sports

Rosé Park
- From Kingdom of Ailla
- Good at controlling wind
- Loves food and making magical foods

Jisoo Kim
-  From Kingdom of Calida
- Good at controlling fire
- Good at making potions
- Loves shopping

Jennie Kim
- From Kingdom of Yin Yang
- Good at magic
- Loves shopping
- Has a brother

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