CHAPTER 8: The Plan

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Quick A/N:
I'd like to dedicate this to AnnaMackay thanks for reading my story. It really mean so much.. :')
That's all!

Elena POV

I awoke from my dreamless sleep. What time is it anyway?

I looked at the sky and saw the sun was about to rise.

Still early.

I feel refreshed, but different. I wonder what has gotten into me.

Then I remembered what happened yesterday. I shrugged at the thought.

'I have all the right to be mad at him... But he taught me everything I needed. Ugh! I hate owing someone! I'll just let this pass.... Right... where is he anyway? I can't sense him anywhere.'

I went to the pond I bathed in days ago to wash my face. I stared at my reflection for awhile before heading to the meeting place since I have nowhere else to go.

And that's where I saw him. Feitan.

I glared at him and showed my kakugan. For no reason. He just glared back.

I sat on a heap of old boxes and papers not far away from him. We didn't talk for awhile.

"Where's Danchou?" I asked him, breaking the long silence.

"He's heading here now with his new recruits." He replied.


"You okay?" He suddenly asked. Is it normal that he asks that kind of question?

"Uhhh yeah, why'd you ask?" I looked at him.

'Is he concern or... well that's definitely impossible.' I thought. It took him a while to answer.

"Nothing." He said coldly, not averting his cold eyes from ahead of him.


I looked at what he was gazing at and that was when I saw small shadowy figures coming this way. The sun was shining behind them so I couldn't see their faces clearly. But as they got closer I can finally recognize one of them; it's Danchou with the two new recruits. And not far away from the other side, another shadowy figures appeared. I knew right away it's the other members.

We're now all gathered here in our meeting place. The two new recruits seemed to know these guys already. Even Feitan was talking to that eyebrow-less man. I felt left out. I just sat from where I was sitting when..

"Yo kid! Nice to see you again!" Uvogin ran straight to me when he saw me. And as usual, he carried me in his huge muscular arm. I just realized I missed this big guy carrying me around.

"Hi, Uvogin. Nice to see you too!" I pat his head and smiled cheekily. Then the other recruit saw Uvogin and walked towards us.

"Oi Uvo! Who's she?" He asked, pointing at me. He looked like a teenager. And he's kinda cute because he has this smiley baby face... if that's even a description.

"She's Elena. Ain't she cute?!" Uvogin answered cheekily.

"Oh. Hi, Elena! I'm Shalnark!" He said cheerfully.

"Uhhh h-hi.." I stammered. I think I blushed.

"Awww, you're blushing! Aren't you a shy kid..." He teased. I blushed more.

"Oh, may I ask, how old are you? You look kinda young." He smiled.

"Uhhh I'm eight." I smiled back. Kinda.

"Ehhh?! Really? Wow... so you're the youngest in our group." He said.

"You'll be surprised when you find out she's a---" Uvogin was cut off.

Phantom GhoulOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora