CHAPTER 3: The Decision

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Quick A/N
I edited the photo just to give you an idea what she looks like with the kakugan... the black eye red pupil thing..(for non tokyo ghoul fans)
Okay that's all!

Chrollo POV

I noticed the changes in her left eye. From normal to black with red pupil. Astonishing. She's spacing out, maybe weighing out her options. Or remembering something.

"Elena, are you okay?" I said as she snapped out of her daydream.

"Her eye.." Pakunada said in awed.

"Hmmm. Pretty." Machi stated.

Now I will have to wait for her answer. I'm pretty sure she will accept the offer. I saw her emotion shifted when I said I wasn't afraid. It means she's been neglected by so many times. I can see she's been through a lot of struggles, like us. And that's one of our common denominator.

She's still standing there, pondering. Feitan walked up to me.

"Danchou, she's taking too long to answer. Should I---"

"No, let her take her time. I'm sure she'll say yes."

"Okay." He walked away, annoyed.
Feitan, the smallest, grumpiest, yet deadliest member of the troupe, so far. I let out a chuckle.

Feitan POV

A ghoul, huh?

Hmmm well, it's interesting to see one up close. But she's taking too long to answer. I'm getting pissed. Besides, if she's joining, there's a chance that I'll be the one to train her with nen and fighting skills. And that's just another load of work for me. She better be good or I'll rip out that fair skin of hers.

Elena POV

'I feel happy. But I have to face the consequences when I join. I have to totally submit to his orders to prove my loyalty. I have to kill, steal, and fight. But I want to join. I just have to work things out. I don't want to let this opportunity slip. I'm taking back what I said about not having someone in my life. I want to.. feel that I belong. I.. have decided.'

I noticed they were back in their usual places, minding their own businesses. I walked up to Chrollo who was just standing, waiting patiently for my answer.

"S-sorry I took too long to think." I stammered.

"It's alright. So, have you come up with an answer?" He asked.

"Yes.. I will... join the troupe. But--"
'spit it out Elena!' I thought.

"But what?" He said with a questioning look.

"I think I won't use my special ability."
'Or will I?', I thought.

"You're style of fighting will be up to you as long as you learn to use nen." He said.

"Nen?" I asked. What's that? A weapon?

"You'll know when Feitan and I teach you."

"Hhmm." I nod. Wait what? Who is Feitan?

Chrollo POV

I was right all along.

"Everyone." They all stopped to listen.

"This is Elena. Our newest member of the troupe."

"Great decision, kid!" Uvo butted in, grabbing the girl and settling her in his arm. I see, they'll get used to each other in no time.

"Waaa---! H-heey!" The little girl said, looking flustered, but happy.

I cleared my throat. Uvo seemed to notice what I meant. He stopped at once, still carrying the girl.

"There's a rule I must imply. No killing within the group. If there's any dilemma encountered, and members are involved, we--" I flip the specialized coin in the air "--flip this coin.." Showing them heads. "Spider symbol for heads, the other side for tails."

"Hai." They said in unison.

"That's all for today. We will meet again tomorrow here, same time. You all may go now, except for you, Feitan."

"Hmm." He nodded.

"Elena. Stay as well."

"Hmm." She nodded, still flustered. Uvo brought her down gently. "Bye kiddo!" He ran back to the others.

"Feitan, I will teach her the basics of nen and I will give the rest to you. Just don't go too far." He knew what I meant by 'don't go too far.'

"Okay." He nodded with a wicked grin on his face.

"Okay, you may go now as well."

He nodded and disappeared in sight.

"Elena, let's begin with your lesson."

"Okay." She said, finally at ease.

Machi POV

We randomly took a path and decided to walk, taking our time, not caring if it leads us nowhere. Uvo went somewhere as well as Paku.

"She's pretty interesting. I mean, to have a ghoul in our group." I told no one in particular.

"Not sure if she's worthy being a member, tho." Nobunaga answered.

"Danchou chose her, maybe she's got something up her sleeves." Franklin said.

"I doubt it." Feitan butted in. He caught up to us. As expected.

"What did Danchou tell you?" I asked

"I have to train her." He said grumpily.

"Oh." I ended the conversation.

Not sure if I ended the chapter right or.... whatever..
Anyways! How was it? Boring? Awesome?
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