Chapter 7

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"Found you," Wilbur smirked. 

This was the 5th time in a row Wilbur was able to find Technoblade in hide and seek. They didn't have homework or many chores, so playing games was Tommy and Techno's favorite past time. Wilbur never liked the games as much as his brothers but this was an exception.

They had been playing hide and seek for hours on end now; it was Wilbur's favorite game, since he excelled at it, and luckily, it was his turn to chose the game that day. Of course, Wilbur used this to his advantage instead of staying in and reading a book or practicing guitar like he usually does (don't get him wrong he loved doing that too).

"What!" Techno whined. "I was so confident you would give up this time! How are you so good?"

"You're too predictable. I know where all your spots are. You need to find new ones; you've hid under the house 3 times today!"

"But the woods are the only other spots I haven't been too and it's off limits."

"I'll allow it just this once. How about everything is off limits except for the woods!"


"I'll give you one whole minute too. Let's make things difficult!"

"So be it!"

Techno crawled out from under the house with the help of Wilbur and dusted himself off before booking it into the forest.

Wilbur immediately started counting, not wasting any time, as Techno ran off into the forest, looking for usable spots with which he could fool his younger brother with.

After finding a thick, opaque bush to hide in, he heard Wilbur shout: "READY OR NOT, HEAR I COME!"

He immediately dove into his new greatest spot and covered his mouth with his hand to keep the noise he made to a minimum.

He would be lying if he said he wasn't trying his hardest; he wanted so badly to win. Athletics and games was his niche (he was smart too but everyone knew Wilbur was smarter) and, having Wilbur being better than him at his talents, pissed him off, to say the least.

Techno started to get bored after about 10 minutes of sitting completely still in the same bush.

He finally came to the conclusion that Wilbur was across the forest since he hadn't heard from him yet. He wanted to climb out of the bush, but was hesitant. He had to completely make sure that Wil wasn't there, waiting for him.

Techno got ready to peak his head out from the bush to scan his surroundings for his intelligent brother. As he did so, he was met with big, hazel eyes staring right back him.


"Hey Techno~"

"How did you find me?!"

"You're pink hair stood out like a sore thumb. I could see it from a mile away! Plus you didn't hide that deep into the forest. It was super easy!"

Techno took a second to try to refute Wilbur's claims but, become frustrated when he realized his logic was solid.

Wilbur stifled a few laughs when he saw Techno's bright, red face before he was interrupted by Phil's loud, projecting voice from hundreds of feet away.


Both boys quickly responded with a simple: "OK!", and made their way back to the wooden home.

"I'll beat you one day... I swear it," Technoblade announced triumphantly.

"Yeah sure~," Wilbur replied sarcastically.

"I will!"

"If you say so!"

"I WILL! One day I will hide so well that you'll never be able to find me in a million years!"

"I look forward to it!"

Technoblade entered his childhood home after watching the sun set. It was getting dark and he needed a place to sleep (sleeping in the woods was not very desirable).

The floorboards creaked under the weight of his heavy boots as he stepped into the kitchen, taking in the nostalgic view of his childhood home. He tried to recall the last time he had set foot in this physical embodiment of happy memories but was ultimately left with a fuzzy amount of nothingness.

He noticed that there was no power left in the house after opening up the fridge and smelling the most outdated, rotten stench he could've ever dreamed of, although nightmare was the true descriptor. All the food had become inedible, apart from the few canned goods that had been left, untouched in years with cobwebs encasing the outer paper that covered the cans.  He quickly shoved an assortment of vegetables in his bag to eat later, despite vegetables not being his most favorable of dishes. 

Once again the empty bag mocked him as he opened it, unchecked emotions flooded his tired head as he came to terms with his hunger. His stomach growled at the sight, begging to be satisfied with the newly-found vegetables.

He shoved his bag, still ajar, to the side as he slid his aching back down the dilapidated cabinets until he was resting calmly on the floor; the floorboards creaked under his weight, once again reminding him that the home he once knew and loved was not a memory or a mirage but, a worn and torn reality.

He clawed at the can of red beans, opening it after only a few tries and downed it entirely, not stopping once to think about manners; those were long gone.

As he pulled the now empty can from his mouth, he winced while noticing was not careful enough to prevent injury. A small cut on his appeared lip where the edge of the can previously resided.

He touched his dirtied finger to his lip only to observe blood filling the crevasses of his fingerprints.

"Tch," Technoblade accepted, annoyed.

As he analyzed his reckless wound, he lazily let the now empty red bean can fall from his hand onto the floor. Though it did not stop there; it made a satisfying noise as it continued to roll away, humming its way down the wooden floor of the kitchen until the noise stopped, signaling that its path had been obstructed.

Techno, realizing that it was not ideal to litter in his childhood home, swiveled to his knees to reach the trash he had just strewn about the floor. He only stopped dead in his tracks when he noticed that it was not a wall that steadied the can, but a pair of well-worn black sneakers that seemed to be translucent at first glance.

Technoblade slowly faced upward, scared of what lay just above his field of vision. Shock riddled his face when he saw what awaited him.

An apparition that look uncannily like his deceased brother stared back at him with big, hazel eyes.

He stood frozen in fear, having absolutely no words to describe how he felt in this moment.

The apparition finally broke the silence.

"Found you~," Ghostbur mused.

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