Chapter 2

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"Ow" Technoblade winced, taking in a sharp breath.

"It'll stop hurting in a second," Philza replied, cleaning the giant wound on Techno's face.

Techno reluctantly crossed his arms and waited for the torture to be over.

"You're most likely gonna have a huge scar left over, is that ok," Phil calmly asked, continuing to concentrate on perfectly cleaning the wound.

"Really!" Techno shouted, not even trying to mask the amount of shear joy he felt at the thought of having visual proof of his heroic actions.

"Yes," Phil chuckled as he bandaged the soon-to-be scar. "Everyone will know how brave you are."

Techno looked up at Phil with a gleam in his eyes and a wide, toothy grin, fangs and all. Phil smiled and responded by ruffling Techno's hair with his hands.

"Thanks again for protecting the house, Techno," Phil praised. "You'll be a great hero one day!"

Techno immediately basked in the praise of his father-figure. Receiving praise from Phil was one of the best feelings in the world. It left him feeling warm and fuzzy inside, like being embraced by words.

"But, next time, please listen to me when I say not to go outside. It'll be easier to prevent injuries such as this."

"Okay," Techno acknowledged, already halfway to his shared bedroom.

As he made his way towards the bedroom, he heard light guitar strumming though the door.

The excitement only piled on as he flung the door open to witness the rare moment of his younger brother showing off his talent.

"Techno!" Wilbur yelped, the guitar almost flying out of his hands at the sound of the door almost flying off its hinges.

"Yay! You're playing a song," Techno cheered, making his way towards the bottom bunk where his two younger brothers sat.

"What happened to your face," Wilbur asked, concerned.

"Oh," Techno responded. "I got hurt when I went outside to fights mobs."

Techno looked at the sheer terror on his brothers' faces and decided to explain further:

"Don't worry! I'm not too hurt. Phil said the wound might even leave an awesome scar!"

"Woah!" Tommy exclaimed with almost the same sparkle in his eyes as Techno had when he was first told along with a hint of jealousy.

"Anyways," Techno continued. "Whatcha playing?"

"Oh I'm just strumming some cords, not that much," Wilbur sighed, looking embarrassed.

"Aww," Techno responded, noticing the dejection in Wilbur's eyes. "Don't worry! You're only 6. I've seen adults not be able to play as well as you!"

"Thanks," Wilbur gazed off to the side to hide his appreciation of the praise from his older brother.

"I have been working on a song, though. I'm not exactly finished yet but, once I finish it, I might show it to Phil."

"Let's hear it!" Tommy cheered.


Wilbur strummed his guitar for a few seconds before he started to sing.

"You don't have to be a hero to save the world..."

Techno and Tommy scooted closer to their gifted sibling to better hear the lyrics along with the gentle sounds the cords made which seemed to go hand in hand with Wilbur's soft spoken voice.

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