Chapter 6

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"Hold still," Techno yelled down as quietly as possible to his not much younger bother, who was on his hands and knees, being used as a step stool. "Almost got it."

To provide some backstory, a few hours earlier, Techno had noticed a pack of cookies on top if their fridge that just happened to appear after dinner. He didn't know how it got there or why it was there but, he knew he wanted them. Somehow, he convinced Wilbur to help him, Wilbur had no idea how he did it either. But, either way, they snuck out of their room after dark and started their mission to get the sweets.

"Techno, I can't hold you up much longer," Wilbur grunted.

"Al-most got it..." Techno strained.

"Hurry," Wilbur cried.


Techno promptly grabbed his delicious reward and hopped off of Wilbur's back only to become frozen in place at what was waiting for them in the doorway.

Wilbur, noticing his older brother's sudden stop, got up to ask: "What's wrong?"

His question was swiftly answered when he saw his father standing menacingly with his hands crossed around his torso as if waiting for an explanation from the young boys.

Clutching onto his robe (different from the one Phil wore usually) was a young Tommy who seemed to have been woken up during the commotion.

"Phil, I-," Techno started before he was quickly interrupted by a distraught and overcome Wilbur.

"Dad! I'm so so so sorry! I promise I meant well. Techno just asked if I would help him with something. I should've asked what but I didn't. I promise I didn't mean to do anything wrong. I know I never get in trouble and I know you expect better from me..."

Wilbur ranted on and on about how he was sorry and he would never do anything like that again as guilty tears started to flow down his already red face.

"Please, just don't be disappointed in me," Wilbur pleaded.

Phil started to slowly walk toward the transgressors leaving Tommy behind in the doorway. Before he reached Wilbur, he grabbed a cookie out of the box Techno was holding in his hands and leaned down to match the height of his second oldest son.

"Wilbur," Phil laughed in a calm, reassuring tone as he held out the cookie to Wilbur. "I'm not disappointed in you! I will always be proud of you! No matter what happens! Even if you decide to steal cookies again."

Wilbur chuckled as he wiped the tears from his eyes, gabbing the cookie and shoving it into his mouth.


"Come 'mere," Phil smiled instead of responding, opening up his arms to embrace his son.

Wilbur gladly accepted and jumped into his father's arms, squeezing him tightly.

After a few awkward moments of Wilbur regretfully sobbing quietly into Phil's chest, Technoblade gently tapped Phil on the shoulder causing him to slowly turn his head towards him as to not disturb Wil.

Technoblade silently eyed the box of cookies as if asking if he could have one too. Phil nodded, annoyed, and both Tommy and Techno started munching on their very own cookie.

"Wil," Phil whispered. "It's getting late. You should to go to bed."

"Ok...," Wilbur whimpered. "Are you sure you're still proud of me?"

"Of course Wilbur," Phil beamed.

"Ok!" Wil smiled, finally letting go of his father, walking back towards his bedroom, more elated than ever.


"Thanks for coming along Dad," Ghostbur smiled.

"No problem," Phil respond with a little less enthusiasm than normal.

Ghostbur had just left to go find his older brother Technoblade and Phil had decided to tag along. It was a last minute decision and Wilbur had mixed feelings about it.

He didn't remember much, but one thing he did remember was Phil stabbing him. At first, he thought it was Phil's fault he died, but he was quickly corrected.

He wasn't sure exactly how Phil felt towards him anymore. Of course he remembers the good things, with a few exceptions, but everything after he was 10 was a blur. Was Phil mad at him? The thoughts was eating at him.

After a moment of uncomfortable silence, Ghostbur spoke up.

"Dad," Wilbur basically whispered.


"Are you mad at me?"


"But I blew up and destroyed everything."

"So did Techno."

"Yeah, but...," Wilbur struggled for the words to describe how he felt. "It just feels like I just really screwed up but I guess so did Techno. But then, why does it feel like I messed up worse?"

"Well, I guess you could say it's because Techno followed his morals to destroy everything but, you destroyed your morals to destroy everything. Something like this is expected of Techno, but you... no one could predicted that. Who would've thought that the poster child who did no wrong would blow up a country."

Ghostbur paused for a second to mull over Phil's comment.

"Is that why you always liked Techno more?"

"You and Techno are completely different people with completely different personalities. How could I compare you?"

"Ok, but, are you still proud of me?"

"Of course I am Wilbur! I've told you time and time again that I am and will always be proud of you no matter what."

"Even though I completely disregarded everything I stood for, even after you warned me otherwise?"

"Especially after that."

"You really are one hell of a dad."

"Did my approval always mean that much to you?"

"If not that, than what else?"

"What about your music?"

"It's a close second."

Phil chuckled at the thought.

"Wait, Dad look," Wilbur interrupted, completely changing subjects. "It's a clearing in the forest! Do you think we've made it?"

"Maybe! Let's go see!"

Both men picked up the pace as they hastily made (and floated) their way to what looked to be their destination.

Once they reached the end of the densely wooded area, they saw it. A large wooden house, only dilapidated a small bit despite the neglect over the years, big enough for a family of four, standing a few hundred yards away.

Nostalgia and memories washed over them as they felt themselves become young again.

Philza could only muster a whisper of a sentence as clear, calm droplets formed in his eyes as Wilbur floated close behind, his invisible hand on Phil's shoulder.

"We're back."

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