1. Youth

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Ahh, it feels so good to finally make another book. Good luck to me finishing this one lol.
- Spring

He can't help but feel that the young man's eyes were watching his every move.

The chair was already big enough for him, and yet he feels like it didn't seem to fit him. Taking a deep breath in, Kubo straightens his posture and tries to set his mind straight.

A group of students glances his way, staring at his small figure, then promptly cringes at him.

Kubo couldn't blame them; he'd do the same if he sees a lone kid with a big eyepatch that covers most of his face just sitting by the hallway.

As such, Kubo tacitly avoided making any eye contact with anyone who passed by, fearing that he's drawing too much attention.

Other than that, a young man was sitting to Kubo's left. How unfortunate, for he couldn't see much because of the eyepatch covering that side of his face.

Still, Kubo is certain he hasn't seen that teacher around before- he's not sure if they even are a teacher to begin with.

Kubo gives the young man a shy gaze, hoping that he wouldn't notice. The young man appears to be a lot friendlier than Kubo expected. Though, he hasn't met a man with a pointy nose quite like his before.

The young man's gaze lands on him like an arrow landing on its target. Kubo diverts his one eye in an instant, feeling those eyes peer through his entire being. Kubo's breathing shakes as he fears he might be in big trouble on his first day.

After a while of staring at Kubo in loud silence, the young man beside him spoke.

"Are you new here, kid?" The young man asks him simply.

"Yes sir, I am." Kubo turns his head to the young man beside him, trying not to sound nervous.

His outfit looks formal, wearing a white polo jacket that matches the pattern of his yellow-blue checkered undershirt, holding what appears to be a British cane with a gloved hand.

Kubo found the young man's cane odd; he still looks young. The need to carry a cane baffled the one-eyed boy. His choice of style, perhaps? Kubo couldn't know for sure.

"Sir Lionel Frost!" Somebody calls from inside the Admin Office. To Kubo's surprise, the young man beside him stands from his seat. Sir Lionel quickly fixed the nearly invisible wrinkles on his sleeves.

"I better get going now, young one." Sir Lionel grabs his cane before opening the door to the Admin Office.

Kubo raises a brow as he watches the young man hook the door handle with his cane, closing the door behind him.

This won't be the last time Kubo is going to see Sir Lionel Frost. He's sure of it.

The sound of the Admin Office's doors suddenly flying open snaps Kubo out of his thoughts.

A female staff member walks out of the Admin Office. Her face contorts in confusion as she sees Kubo.

"Kid, what're you doing here?" She asks.

Kubo's gaze went to the employee. An unsteady feeling formed in his chest almost instantly.

"I'm waiting for my schedule," Kubo gulps down the knot stuck in his throat. This time, he's sure he's caught in some sort of trouble.

"You're waiting in the wrong office, kid. Schedules are at the Principal Office." The staff points a thumb to her left. "It's just down that hall."

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