2. Ownage

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No one knows if Sir Lionel is merely playing around them.

Kubo smells something fishy going on with Sir Lionel and this 'game' he offers out of nowhere. It feels like his gimmicks are all meant with purpose, though he doesn't know what for.

Sir Lionel stands in front of the teacher's table and scans through each and every student inside the classroom, like a hunter choosing its prey. He walks around the teacher's table to get his bag, unzips it open and grabs something inside with his gloved hand. The students remained silent but curious.

"Do you see anything?" Winnie asks Kubo, leaning closer towards him.

"No," Kubo whispers back with a shake of his head.

After a minute of rummaging through the things inside the bag, Sir Lionel flips out a deck of playing cards, making most of the students gasp in shock.

"Aren't those illegal inside schools?" Coraline points out from behind the class.

"I'll only be here for a day, young girl." Sir Lionel smirks, "breaking the rules could only mean so much."

Sir Lionel's gloved hands almost glistened as he shuffled the cards on the teacher's table with smooth precision, like he possessed some kind of magic , leaving all the students speechless in pure awe.

Sir Lionel sprawls all his cards flat against the table. With one tap of his cane against the floor, all the cards simultaneously faced downward like a stack of falling dominoes, making the students gasp in bewilderment.

"Is he even a teacher or is he just a con man?" Winnie jokes.

"Maybe he's being both." Kubo leans in his seat as he gives Winnie a teasing smirk.

"Gosh, you're so impossible." Winnie rolls her eyes and crosses her arms, making the one-eyed kid chuckle.

"Looks like all of you were entertained by that little show." Sir Lionel fixes his gloves tighter around his fingers as he faces the class of students once again.

"Entertainment merely hides the purpose of the cards on the table."

Sir Lionel reaches for chalk resting on the side of the table. He guides the chalk in his fingers as he makes long and short strokes across the chalkboard, with his brows snapped together in concentration.

Once Sir Lionel feels like he's done, he places the chalk back, dusts its grains off of his gloves and slightly steps aside so the class can see his work.

The drawing was of an intricate spider symbol drawn on the board. The lines that form the spider's shape look so detailed, it almost seems like there's some sort of cryptic message hidden within its lines.

"Eight cards on the table have this symbol imprinted on them. The rest remain blank." Sir Lionel points the edge of his cane at the board.

"I will call your name one by one, and you shall choose a card from this deck," Sir Lionel states as he rests his cane on the floor, placing his palms on top of its handle.

"After getting your card, make sure no one sees it; including yourself," Sir Lionel warns as he tightens his grip on his cane's handle.

The class look at each other and talk among themselves.

"We will reveal your card once every student receives one. No cheating," Sir Lionel emphasizes as he cautiously eyes some students.

A Trip To Tree NoyxuWhere stories live. Discover now