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Nobody POV
The trio got up early in the morning and got in some sweatpants and a T-shirt.Then they went to a cafe nearby Goshikis house,they got there and then they saw the third years also there but with a different girl this time.The trio were wondering how the fuck they kept seeing them everywhere.And there was Yamagata flirting with a different girl "He's a hoe"Goshiki said out loud on purpose,the third years heard him and looked at them "What you looking at its true"Taichi told them.Shirabu didn't expect Taichi to say that to him but it didn't matter. "You call me the hoe now?"Yamagata said while waking up to Taichi "Yes I fucking did what you gonna do about?Hit me?"Taichi told him.Yamagata just stood there not knowing what to say then said "Says the one that cheated one me"Yamagata told Taichi "Says the one that be flirting with three bitches"Taichi said back.The girl came up to Taichi and told him "I don't know what your saying but I'm the only he talks to"The girl told Taichi "Okay keep thinking that"Taichi spoke to her back.Then she got upset and slapped him,This time the third years warned her not to do it again but,then she punched Taichi in the face.Shirabu didn't hold back this time she grabbed the used glass plate and broke it on her head."Ow what the fuck"The girl said,Shirabu then stomped on her face more than twice."What the fuck Shirabu"Semi said "What your not gonna stop me now"Shirabu said then grabbed 3 more plates and smashed it on her face,he then dragged her outside,Tendo tried to stop him but when he did Goshiki would glare at him.That's why no third years tried to stop him,the girl was fighting back but Shirabu was just dragging her by the hair.Then they went near a river and he threw her in the water.The girl was bleeding from her face and head,Tendo grabbed her out of the water and was going to take her to the hospital until Goshiki grabbed her from his hands,and waved to get a cars attention.They did and acted like he was panicking and told them they needed to get to the hospital quick.They took Goshiki in the car and drove him to the hospital,with the rest.
"Goshiki has good acting skilled"Taichi said "Yeah and your BESTFRIEND made my girlfriend go in the hospital"Yamagata said "And?"Taichi told him "you know I don't know how I dated you,your a whole bitch"Yamagata told Taichi "Your the one talking"Taichi said to Yamagata "I hate you that's why I cheated on you too"Yamagata told Taichi "And I cheated on you with Shirabu no regret"Taichi told Yamagata "You know that hurts right"Taichi said "I know it hurts you that's why I'm saying it"Taichi said and he was bold about it."Why are you doing this to me?"Yamagata asked Taichi,everyone else right now:👁👄👁. "What am I doing to you again?"Taichi said "You breaking my heart even more"Yamagata told Taichi.Taichi looked at him and said "You were flirting with other girl and didn't think about me..oh wait we're not even together so why are you complaining",Yamagata didn't know what to say " still love me?"Yamagata asked him "Nope I actually used you"Taichi told him with a smile."Wow.."Yamagata replied "You cheated on me so where's the bitch at?"Taichi asked "I broke up with her after you broke my heart...everything we did was for nothing"Yamagata said with a upsetting face "Yeah"Taichi replied and tears were running down his cheeks "And all we did was just us cheating on each other"Taichi said while still crying but just letting them fall.It broke Yamagata heart to see him cry "I'm sorry"Yamagata said "I'm sorry too all I did was hurt you" Taichi apologize to him "Don't need to apologize we both did wrong"Yamagata said while holding his tears back "Well we gotta go get dressed for the party tonight"Tendo interrupted "Oh yeah well goodbye"Taichi said,wiping his tears and started walking with Shirabu.After they walked away Yamagata started to cry the tears he was holding back and the third years comforting him then they went to Tendos house to get Dressed for the party.


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