The discomfort

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In the morning~

Nobody POV
"AAAAAAAHHHHHHH"Goshiki yelled  "WHAT HAPPENED AH FUCK"Taichi yelled and tripped over "WHY THE FUCK ARE YALL YELLING"Goshiki yelled "We have school"Goshiki said "Oh shit I forgot"Taichi got up and went to go change and Shirabu did same.They brushed there hair and teeth and grabbed their things and started walking to school."I don't want to go to schoollll"Shirabu whined "Too Bad you have too"Taichi said "Ugh whatever"Shirabu said,they got to the school and they had to go to their classes.Sadly they didn't have the same classes.So they had to said their goodbyes and meet eachother for practice.

After school~

Nobody POV
"We have practice the coach didn't even come today"Shirabu whined "Shut up we need practice so stops whining so much!"Goshiki said "Ugh fine"Shirabu said as they walked in the locker room them 3 immediately felt something was wrong.Everyone was in there about to start changing the s Shirabu said "Wait nobody change yet" "You guys feel that too huh"Taichi said "Theres a camera in here"Goshiki said "There's more than one.."Taichi said "One in the wall.."Shirabu said "There's one in Semis locker"Goshiki said "And two in the volleyball"Taichi said.Shirabu went straight into the wall and took off the poster and there was a camera watching them he grabbed and stomped on it.Goshiki moved semi aside and grabbed the camera that was hidden in his locker and smashed it into pieces with his bat that was still there.Taichi went into the volleyball that was in the corner of the room and look around it but no sign of a camera so he grabbed his pocket knife and ripped it open.There was two cameras right there he took them out and Goshiki handed him the bat,Taichi smashed them both to pieces.The third years stood there like what the fuck just happened."Howd you guys know there was cameras here?!"Tendo said "It was a feeling"Goshiki said "But you knew exactly where there were at and how many?!"Ohira said "It was just a feeling"Shirabu said "Whatever yall can change now"Taichi said "But who was that guy yesterday Taichi~"Tendo said "Oh who?"Taichi acting like a dumbass he is "The one that was holding your hand~"Tendo told Taichi "Oh you mean Terushima!"Taichi replied "That's his name"Semi said "Yeah but he's hot"Shirabu said "Definitely"Goshiki said "Taichi did you get his number?"Ushijima said "Yessir"Taichi replied "Lucky ass!"Goshiki said "anyways I want to sing so ima sing"Shirabu said after he was done changing.Puts 'Con tus besos' and starts to sing,Goshiki and Taichi joins in.Everyone else in the Locker room were just staring at them like what the fuck.Out of nowhere a song came on and they started to dance,Shirabu have grabbed Goshiki and decided to do the turns with him.Then on the next turns he did it with Taichi,Everyone was so confused and they were thinking that dance looks difficult to learn.They were done dancing and singing after 15 min so they decided to go practice now,The third years were processing of what just happened.

After practice~

Nobody POV
"Teru texted me!"Taichi said "Omg what he say??"Goshiki asked "He asked me on a date?!"Taichi said in exitment "Omfg when?!" Shirabu asked "This Sunday?!?!"Taichi said "Omggdvbajshebbe"Goshiki couldn't talk properly "Omg we need to ding you a outfit?!"Shirabu said

The third years are spying on them~

Nobody POV
They were whispering,"He's going on a date with that dude?!"Tendo said "Yamagata are you okay?"Ushijima said "Yes I am fine"Yamagata said "Dude you look like your about to murder someone"Ohira said "He is still in love with Taichi"Semi said."Hey Taichi but remember no catching feeling"Shirabu said and It caught all the 3rd years attention."I know but you can't tell me that when your in love with se-"Taichi said "Shut up shh what if someone hears you?!"Shirabu said in a whisper "Pfft surprised I haven't fallen for anyone"Goshiki said "Aren't you in love with Date Techs setter?"Taichi told Goshiki."Shut the fuck up no I'm not"Goshiki said with a mad tone "Yeah you totally don't have him as your home screen wallpaper"Shirabu said "Shut up atleast I don't like my middle school bully?!"Goshiki told Shirabu "What the fuck shhh"Shirabu said.The third years still whispering "Omg semi Shirabu likes you?!"Tendo said "Haha funny joke he's joking right?"Semi said "Wait you used to bully Shirabu?!"Yamagata said "Yeah in middle school"Semi said "Dude he likes you..but do you like him?"Ohira said "I actually don't know"Semi said "Your gonna end up falling for him just wait"Ushijima said "Yup just wait til you get closer to him"Tendo said.Back with the Trio "Anyways I gotta go home wait do you guys want to stay again?!"Shirabu said "Why not?!"Taichi said "I can't miss out on the fun!"Goshiki said and they all were walking to Shirabus house.While they were walking the third Semi,Yamagata and Tendo were still spying on them,Back with the Trio "Sooo what are you going to wear at the date?!" Goshiki asked "I don't know yet-"Taichi said as 4 men came up to them."Hey what are you guys doing walking home alone.."The first guy said "We're just trying to go home"Shirabu said "Well you know you shouldn't be walking alone"The fourth guy said "May we please go"Taichi said "Nah come one well walk you all home"The second guy said with a grin,"No it's fine-"Goshiki tried to say "No it wasn't a option"The third guy said.They were being dragged to the van parked."No please don't do this!" Shirabu said "Hey!"Semi said "What do you want?"A guy said "Leave them alone"Yamagata came out of nowhere "Yeah!"Tendo also came out of nowhere.The guys didn't listen and the 3 third years were trying to grab them back but they couldn't it was 4 against 3.The Trio were pulled in the van and they drove away with them,"Fuck!" Semi yelled he was trying to get up as he was bleeding."we have to call the police?!!"Tendo said "Or we can get the police with us and I can track down shirabus phone?!"Semi said "Great idea"Yamagata said while getting up and is also injured.


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