"I need to protect the girl," I started, "she's working with the police so she has access to inside information," I explained.

"And how do you plan to get information from her?" He questioned.

"I convinced her that I'm trying to solve the case for similar reasons as she is. She promised to give me any information she finds. However, she just told me that someone broke in last night and I can't risk her being targeted."

"Your mind seems to be in a frenzy, Jack. Is this girl special?"

"Ha. Real funny, Slender. As soon as she helps me find those bastards, I'm killing them and then I'm killing her. I've wanted her kidneys since day one. Nothing else."

"And how do you plan to protect her until then?"

"I'll need to watch over her at night. She'll be fine during the day if she keeps working at the station."

"Alright. I will allow you to keep watch over her at night. I'll trust that you will do what you see fit. You may leave now."

I nodded and left.

(Y/N)'s POV:

I finished showering and proceeded to get dressed. Brushing my hair seemed too tiresome, so I opted to leave it in a towel and deal with it later.

I walked into the living room and sighed.

The universe really hated me right now.

My phone ringing broke me from my thoughts.

I answered without checking the name.

"(Y/N), you need to come into the station right now," a male voice commanded through the phone.

"Huh? What do you mean?" I questioned, getting up to quickly put some shoes on.

"It's an emergency. Come to the station immediately."

"What's going on?" I asked, pulling the towel off my head and running my hand through my hair.

"(Y/N). You need to listen to me."

"I am listening," I replied, pulling a jacket on and grabbing my keys.

"You need to come to the station. Now."

"Yes, I heard you the first time! Tell me what's going on," I demanded, throwing my hand into the air.

"We can discuss this when you get to the station. You need to get over here, now."

"For fucks sake, just tell me! I'm leaving the house as we speak!" I yelled, walking out the front door and closing it behind me.

"The detective was murdered."

I dropped my keys.

"Come to the station. Now. I can't discuss anything over the phone."

"Okay. I'm on my way," I responded, my voice barely above a whisper.

I hung up the phone and picked up my keys.

Murdered? Murdered?

"Fuck!" I screamed, kicking the door as hard as I could.

I tore open the car door and threw myself in, slamming the door shut behind me. Shoving the keys into the ignition, I let out a scream.

I gripped the steering wheel until my knuckles turned white and did my best to contain my emotions. It wasn't enough.

I sobbed, heart-wrenching sobs, the whole way to the station.

I refused to believe she was gone.

The radio chartered in the background and I decided to turn my attention towards it, looking for a distraction.

"Breaking news: lead detective murdered just hours ago. At this time, police are not making statements."

I quickly turned it off.

This just happened?

I gripped the wheel harder and continued to drive.

We weren't even that close to a lead, why would someone try murdering her now?

Maybe it wasn't related to the case?

No... who am I kidding? Of course it was related to the case.

As I got close to the police station, I noticed a small crowd of people surrounding the entrance.


I realized that if I entered in the front, they'd likely swarm to question me or a recording would catch me going in and the last thing I wanted was to be seen on the news and become the next target.

I pulled around and parked down the street. Then I pulled my hood over my head and ran to the back of the police station.

I wasn't prepared for what came next.

1168 words
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