The Middle Earth Paradigm

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Scene: Lobby of the apartment building, Howard, Raj, Sheldon and Leonard enter in combat gear, covered in blue paint.

Raj: Okay, if no-one else will say it, I will. We really suck at paintball.

Howard: That was absolutely humiliating.

Leonard: Oh, come on, some battles you win, some battles you lose.

Howard: Yes, but you don't have to lose to Kyle Bernstein's Bar-Mitzvah party.

Leonard: I think we have to acknowledge, those were some fairly savage pre-adolescent Jews.

Sheldon: You know, we were annihilated by our own incompetence and the inability of some people to follow the chain of command.

Leonard: Sheldon, let it go.

Sheldon: No, I want to talk about the fact that Wolowitz shot me in the back.

Howard: I shot you for good reason, you were leading us into disaster.

Sheldon: I was giving clear, concise orders.

Leonard: You hid behind a tree yelling "get the kid in the yarmulkah, get the kid in the yarmulkah."

Ariana(arriving): Oh, hey guys.

Leonard: Hello Ariana.

Howard: Morning ma'am.

Ariana: So, how was paintball, did you have fun?

Sheldon: Sure, if you consider being fragged by your own troops fun. (To Howard) You clear space on your calendar, there will be an enquiry.

Ariana: Okay, um, oh hey, I'm having a party on Saturday so if you guys are around you should come by.

Leonard: A party?

Ariana: Yeah.

Howard: A boy-girl party?

Ariana: Well, there will be boys, and there will be girls, and it is a party. So, it'll just be a bunch of my friends, we'll have some beer, do a little dancing...

Sheldon: Dancing?

Leonard: Yeah, I don't know, Ariana.....

Sheldon: The thing is, we're not....

Leonard: We're really more....

Sheldon: No.

Leonard: But thanks, thanks for thinking of us.

Ariana: Are you sure? Come on, it's Halloween.

Sheldon: A Halloween party?

Howard: As in, costumes?

Ariana: Well, yeah.

Leonard: Is there a theme?

Ariana: Um, yeah, Halloween.

Sheldon: Yes, but are the costumes random, or genre specific?

Ariana: As usual, I'm not following.

Leonard: He's asking if we can come as anyone from science-fiction, fantasy...

Ariana: Sure.

Sheldon: What about comic-books?

Ariana: Fine.

Sheldon: Anime?

Ariana: Of course.

Sheldon: TV , film, D&D, Manga, Greek Gods, Roman Gods, Norse Gods...

Ariana: Anything you want, okay? Any costume you want. Bye.

Howard: Gentlemen, to the sewing machines.

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