Sneak peek #3 aka finished short story

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Sneak peek#3
Fire in my heart or sinful
gossip girl
Genre: Shipping
Smut lemon
Short story
The weeknd earned it
Skylar grey i know you
Sia salted wound
Crazy in love hannah rue
Me and Arnesish artis have finished this story hope you like it: Fire in my heart or sinful

After years of dating nate and chuck blair waldorf is ready for something new and that is dan Humphrey because for some odd reason he can scratch the itch that no other man can, what happens when nate chuck & serena find out that two bitter enemies have turned lovers?

Blair knew if serena found out about her and dan then her friendship was over
But dan brought something out that nate or chuck couldn't reach

Dan looked at blair: so what's going on?
Blair: if serena finds out we are dead
Dan: step siblings this time besides i know i can scratch that itch you have

Blair threw him against the door: you are a naughty boy are you?
Dan: and you're a slut for me
Blair: this is much better then having sex with chuck in the limo
Dan began sucking her lower neck and mumble: never mention that bastard to me again
Blair sighed: fine

Dan wanted to explore blair's body knowing that she wanted mind blowing sex and he was going to get his way
Blair was thinking the first time she and dan had sex
Dan was annoying her with his tapping of his pen and it was driving blair nuts
Blair: okay please stop with the tapping
Dan smirked innocently:what? Knowing he could drive blair nuts
Blair: the pen please stop tapping i really need to read this book
Blair stood up and went to grab the pen but dan standing held it out of her reach
Blair: give it to me
Dan: make me
Blair tried again but accidentally brush her lips against dan's
That's when dan handed her the pen and grabbed her lips & kissed them
Blair push dan against the door & kissed him she dropped the pen dan began taking off her clothes blair did the same knowing that dan might be different than nate & chuck
Blair moaned knowing dan had hit a major g-spot & she didn't know she had one dan smiled went to grab blair's leg and hiked it up to his waist blair bit her lip

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