3. The New Hybrid Mute

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(This is short)

March 28, 2021

7:00 A.M.

Kipo and Mandu was awake. Kipo realized that Wolf is gone!

"Oh no! Wolf? Wolf, where are you?!" Kipo yelled.

Song walked in Kipo and Wolf's room.

"Kipo? What's going on?" Song said

"Wolf is missing!" Kipo yelled.

"Aww, I'm sure she's somewhere. I never saw her since you sleeped," Song replied.

"By the way, I have to go to work with your dad. Bye," Song said.

Kipo hugged her mom. Right when Song left the room, Kipo panicked.

"Wolfie!!!" Kipo said repeatingly.

She checked everywhere! Until she heard sobbing. Kipo grew jaguar ears.

"Wolfie?" Kipo said. She found Wolf under her bed.

"Wolfie? What's wrong?" Kipo said. 

There wasn't an answer. Wolf looked at Kipo.

"I-I-I've be-been hiding so-something from y-you," Wolf said.

"What's wrong, Wolf?" said Kipo.

"Remember m-my wolf sk-skin?" Wolf said.

"I'm listening, Wolfie," Kipo said.

"I killed m-my wo-wolf mo-mother..." Wolf said.

Wolf thought that Kipo would kick her out, so she asked.

"Of course not! You're my sister," Kipo said. 

"Maybe not just a sister?" Kipo thought.

Kipo hugged Wolf. After that, Kipo held both of Wolf's hand(s). Wolf gasped softly and quietly.

At Song and Lio's workplace,

Song and Lio was having lunch, and having a conversation, about Wolf. While they were talking, Lio said,

"What about Wolf?"

"What if, we make Wolf half mega jaguar!" Song replied.

"Are you for real?!" Lio said

"Yes!" Song said

2:15 P.M.

Song and Lio went to their house. Song saw Kipo and Wolf holding hands. Song's mind was blown! Lio came with Song. Lio gasped surprisingly. They both thought that Kipo was dating! They were so happy! Kipo realized that her parents were in front of her. Song and Lio hugged Kipo and Wolf.

"Mom?" Kipo said.

"I can't believe you guys are dating! I'm so proud!" Song said

Wolf and Kipo thought, "Whaat?". Song wanted to talk with Kipo and Wolf, and they shared their conversation like when her parents were at work. Kipo and Wolf agreed to Song's crazy idea! 

March 30, 2021

Song quickly went to the store to buy some supplies to make Wolf a mega jaguar, and Lio got some jaguar samples from his job! After that, Song went with Lio to increase the size of the sample.

At home,

Song and Lio went home.

"Are you ready?" Lio said.

"Yep," Wolf said nervously. 

Kipo held Wolf's hand, because Song and Lio had to use a needle. Song wiped Wolf's arm with a wet tissue, and Lio put the sample in the needle.

"Will this hurt?" Wolf said

"A little, and you'll be okay, trust me," Song said

Wolf didn't really trust Kipo's parents, but she knows that Kipo trusted her, and that made Wolf to trust her parents. After she took the shot, it didn't hurt at all! 

"Yay Wolfie!" Kipo cheered.

Wolf blushed and smiled. After that, Wolf felt weird, then grew aqua blue jaguar fur! It worked! Wolf cheered happily.

Writing time: 35 minutes

The Jaguar and the Human (Kipo x Wolf)Where stories live. Discover now