Chapter 2

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LLKV 🕊🤍👑

Jasmine's POV:

As I walked down the long hallways of the hospital it felt like a lifetime. 

My breathing felt labored as I carried Liberty on my hip.

August kept his paste-up next to me, although he was still half asleep.

In a Flash, Jonny stood in front of us, with his shirt covered in blood.
I stopped at once; blinking heavily, trying to avoid any negative thoughts that would cross.

Leah grabbed my hand tight. We were both thinking the same thing. I didn't have to look her way to know that.

"Jon?" Leah said under her breath.

If the hallways weren't so quiet we both would have missed the call of his name.

"I couldn't ask if he was ok." It would take too much out of me to know otherwise.

"He's okay, he's in that room," Jonny said breathlessly.

My eyes followed in the direction that his finger pointed in.

He didn't have to say it twice, as my feet moved before my mind could process it.

"Maybe you should give Von a minute; Jonny shouted."

As his words shouted through my ears, I stood in the room.

A woman sat next to his bed with a worried expression.

Her chocolate skin was a shade lighter than mine, and her hair flowed down her back into a wavy pattern.

I couldn't help but feel a wave of jealousy burst through me as I looked at her. I felt like a balloon about to pop with sweatpants on.

No one seemed to notice me until Roy's eyes seemed to pop out.

"What's up Jas...?" he said as he stood up from the small chair.

"Who is this?"I asked ignoring his question. Jealousy pop out of my voice before I could control it.

He sensed my anger as he quickly sat back down.

Von sat still as he glanced at me. His expression is unreadable.

"Dayvon?" I said waiting on a response.

"My name is Asia." She responded.

I glanced at her for a moment. She seemed to know more about me than I did her.

"Asia who Dayvon?" I asked again, never taking my eyes off of him.

His arm was wrapped in a sling. I wanted to ask what happened but part of me already knew.

"Who called you?"He asked in a cold tone.

I was taken aback by his words and my heart once again dropped.

Roy seemed to be as well as he gave  Von a crazy stare.

"I did," Jonny said as he and Leah now stood behind me.

"Who is that?" Leah asked with confusion.

"Asia.." I said.

" Asia who?"  Leah asked again.

"You didn't need to call them." I would have been home in a few hours anyway. Von said.

"You wouldn't be here if you would have just listened to Jasmine in the first place," Leah said annoyed.

"Chill out," Jonny said to Leah in a hushed tone.

Von stood up from the bed slowly, as Asia watched nervously.

"They don't need to me here," Von said pointing to the kids.

"Then we'll leave because obviously we are not wanted here," I said.

My emotions were getting the best of me, and this pregnancy wasn't making it any better.

"That's not what he meant, "Roy said speaking on his behalf.

"Asia is just a friend," Von said.

"Liar," I thought to myself. Her expression said something else.

"Maybe I should go," Asia said as she stood up from the bed.

"Maybe you should," Leah said lowly.

"Everybody step out for a minute."Jasmine and I need to talk. Von said as he took Liberty out of my arms handing her to Leah.

The room was silent as Von stood a few feet away from me.

"We're going back to Chicago right now." He said.

Why? I asked.

"Don't be all hostile about it."He said.

" Things are getting too hot here". Especially since I was set up tonight.

"By who?"I asked worriedly.

I always wanted to go back to Chicago. Atlanta didn't feel right to me. I thought to myself.

"That's the point, I don't know yet." We're just leaving right now.

"What about our things?" I asked.

"You can go shopping when we get there." Our beds are still there anyways. He said.

"Who is Asia?" I asked more worried this time.

" Just a friend Jasmine," Von said again with a hit of distress in his eyes.
"After today you will never see her again." He said.

He took a step closer to me, "You worry too much, he said in my ear." He kissed my lips slowly before rubbing my stomach.

" Are you okay?" I asked pointing to his arm.

He raised an eyebrow at me. "Ima gangsta,
I'll always be good as long as y'all good." He said.

I smiled for a moment, "Little did he know we would never be good if he wasn't good."

Author's Note: sorry it took so long for an update. Do y'all think Von is being truthful? Will we see Asia again? Back to Chicago, we go.

LLKV 🕊🤍👑

King of the O ( A King Von Story ) 🕊🤍 (Editing)Where stories live. Discover now