Reunion And Consequences

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(Izuku's Pov)
I was Smiling for the first time in many years I finally found her, Someone i can call Family"Hey Izu-kun Wanna see my dad?, I bet he will be thrilled to see you"Amber asks me "Sure i guess, Won't he be mad at you for bringing a boy home?" I said teasing her"Don't be a pest idiot, let's just go"She said as She dragged me While locking the door behind her How she did it?, i have no clue myself "Wait!,I forgot my keys" I said, She just faced me and smirked as she Pulled out keys from her pockets and continued dragging me"Wha-How?"I asked,she was about to reply but i spoke first" You know what i don't care just drag me there"I stated as she Smiled and proceeded to drag me to her house while i just smiled happy someone cares for me We began making small talk on the way, it was like asking how she was and how's her progress on her breathing style which she answered by saying she only needed to master 3 moves and she will be a master of Lightning Style, I then did a smug smirk and Proceeded to say I mastered breath of the moon and was close to mastering breath of the sun Her face was priceless She looked a little Amazed,Envious, And most importantly she was proud of me she was like an Angel, after that we changed the topic "Do you... Have a girlfreind?" She asked me With a blush "I don't" I replied With a slight blush, She then smiled and was about to say something when suddenly Alot of heroes and cops Surrounded us, one cop move forward and Asked me a question "Are you Izuku Yagi?" He asked "Yeah, Why?" I replied "We finally found you, Your Uncle Enji is worried about you" The officer said "Wait he's back?" I immediately asked "Yes, now come follow us we will escort you to him" Said the officer, i looked between him and Amber contemplating on which way should i go "Go with them you can always visit me every time and since im trying out for U.A we should be able to see each other there" She said with a smile as i nodded, she then took a piece of paper as She wrote something and Gave it to me "Here is my number Call or text me when your free" She said with a smile "I will maybe everyday" I said with a smirk She then looked happy but turned around and Did something that made my heart flutter "It's-It's not like i want to text with you this is just for communication" She said Shyly "See you i guess" I said with a blush 'Ahhhhh young love' Though the people around "As much as i enjoy watching this we need to go now young Izuku" The policeman said "I see ok ok See you amber!" I said as we began walking away, they escorted me to a car and Drove me to Uncle Enji's place

(Timeskip) (Enji's Pov)
He's here,I thought as i heard a car pull over and footsteps as soon as he entered the room only one thing was on my mind, i must apologize to him, I walked over to Izuku and did what things people i know believed i won't be able to do I bowed"Uhm Uncle Enji what are you doing?"My nephew asked"Izuku i ask for your forgiveness, I was supposed to be there for you as your uncle but i wasn't i am also asking you not to go down the path of villainy" I asked him sincerely "Uncle Enji you don't need to apologize you are not part of my torment you and uncle shota where the only one who helped me, so please don't bow" He replied with A calm voice, I was happy but suddenly changed when shoto came In and Saw him, He immediately Used his Ice and tried to hit Izuku but Izuku pulled out His Boken And stood straight.

(Izuku's Pov)
I really hope he uncle Enji doesn't hate me for this, I pulled out my Retractable Boken that i was able to buy And keep with me At all time "BREATH OF THE MOON FIRST FORM:DARK MOON-EVENING PALACE" I muttered the name of the technique as i immediately slashed Infront of me Destroying the Ice that was coming at me and Immediately Adapted a thrusting position "BREATH OF THE MOON FOURTH FORM: MOON HAZE"  I Did a thrust with the force of my whole body making It  go at incredible speeds hiting Shoto's Left Lung while the image of the broken moon appeared behind Him the Air was squeezed out of his body, and i also broke a Rib Or two Which knocked him Unconscious, After a few minutes shouka Arrived and saw His brother On the floor as i Hold A boken that was Inches away From Breaking as her faced morphed into one of anger She Flared her Fire As i assumed one last Stamce before my Boken Breaks and Did The Technique which is most suited for thes Situation "DANCE OF THE FIRE GOD:BURNING SUN!" Flames erupted from My sword As I Did a circular slash canceling out Her Fire As My sword breaks After doing it's job I was About To Rush in and settle it With Hand to hand but Uncle Enji Stopped me "Shouka,Stop" He said Calmly "But-" Shouka tried relenting but "I SAID ENOUGH, NOT ONLY DID YOU ATTACK HIM WHEN I INVITED HIM YOU ALSO HAD THE AUDACITY TO BULLY HIM GO TO YOUR ROOM AND TAKE SHOTO WITH YOU" Uncle Shouted with Rage "Tsk Whatever" Shouka responded As Uncle Enji calmed down And faced me "I'm sorry Izuku and Please take these It's enough For 2 years" He said as He gave Me an envelope full of money "I-I can't accept this" I immediately replied As I gave Back the money "It's The only thing i can do I read your diary and Saw everything I-I'm sorry" Uncle Enji Said "It's ok Uncle Enji but please don't tell me you read The Other book" I asked worried "Oh i did not i didn't want to invade your privacy anymore" He said truthfully "Thank you Uncle" I said sincerely "No problem my boy Now go on and Train when you get into U.A i will reveal something to you" He said with a smile "Sure Uncle,see you" I said with a smile

(Narrator's Pov)
After Izuku left Endeavor immediately Called His Offsprings down "Now you might be asking as why i have called you here, To answer your question from now on you won't be receiving any help From me Your mother or Your Brothers and Sister, I am utterly disappointed in you from now On You will have to pay Rent to stay here and you will also buy your own food"Enji said Woth no hint Of Sarcasm "WHAT! But Dad! Why would you do this!" Ask Shouka and Shoto "It does not matter I'm also pulling Away my recommendation To U.A" He said as he walked away while the children protested but he utterly ignored them

(With the Yagi Family)
*Ring**Ring* "Yes hello?" Answered Toshinori Yagi"Ahhh yes AllMight i am here to inform you that the Recommendation you sent For Izumi and Bakugou Twins are Rejected, If they ever attempt on entering U.A they would have To Personally be examined by the principal, That is all thank you"A female Voice said not leaving any room for negotiation "What! Why would the reccomendation be canceled" Ask Allmight To himself "Honey, Who Was it?" Asks Inko "It was U.A, they canceled Izumi's reccomendation" Replied Allmight "WHAT!,Why would They do that To My Future #1 hero?" Asks inko "I don't know Inko I don't know" Replied Toshinori Suddenly Toshinori was pulled Into a black void where 7 Figures stood "You Are not worthy" Said a Figure "Why did it have to be this way Toshi?" Asks a female Voice "You And your Successor Are not worthy,The moment you face a great Evil One For all will not help you" Replied A figure as he was suddenly Brought back 'What was that' Thought Toshinori 'It's probably nothing' He said as He went to her daughter to explain the situation

(With Izuku)
I arrived At Yoriko sans house and Went to my bedroom Knowing tommorow will Be the Day i start training, I smiled knowing Yoriko san Will be watching Over me I then closed my eyes as I Fell asleep Thinking of ways To master The Breath of the Sun "See Through With The eyes That Pierced the darkness" A voice says While i looked around and saw no one as i ignored it and went back to sleep

(To be continued)

Breath of the moon

First Form: Dark Moon - Evening Palace:Izuku draws his sword and slashes swiftly in a single motion; like with all Moon Breathing techniques, numerous chaotic crescent blades originate from the slash. This technique is reminiscent of Iaijutsu.

Fourth Form:Moon Haze:Izuku Thrust with his sword and Creathes An image of the moon using the Cresent blades;When the attack Hits An Immage of A broken moon whill appear Behind The Striked Area Like with all Moon breathing forms This attac creates Cresent blades which allows it to  slice enemies This Form Is Versatile and the User will be able to transition into Any form After It's Use this form also fools the opponent by Making sure it looks like it won't reach

Dance of the Fire God

Burning sun:A powerful defensive technique. The swordsman unleashes a circular slash that defends from imminent frontal attacks.

the Darkness That Shapes The Lightحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن