Chapter 1: Unwanted Guests

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"Touya, please forgive me..." thought Sakura regretfully.

It has been five years since the tragic car accident. Her father ended up in a coma and Sakura had lost her eye sight. Nothing was the same for Sakura and her family. Her brother, Touya, rarely came home as he practically lives at sea as a fisherman. It was Sakura's duty to managed her house, while Touya earned their income. It has been a months since Sakura heard from Touya. Although she was worried about him, she was too busy trying to solve their mortgage payments. As Sakura was running out of time, she made a tough decision to rent out the house.

Sakura sighed as she hid behind the wall of a secret room.

"This place is puny."

Sakura heard a voice on the other side of her wall. Since she no longer had her eye sight, she relied on her hearing to figure out what was going on around her. Sakura was actually in her secret room that only her family knew about. The house was built by her father before she was born and secret room was a gift to her mother. The entrance to the secret room was well hidden as it was disguised as a normal wall. It was a perfect place to hide when expecting an unwanted guest.

"Why do we have to move again?"

"Stop whining. If it wasn't for someone, we didn't have to move."

Sakura heard a loud sigh.

"This place is perfect as it is isolated from the city, which give us privacy we need."

Sakura started counting with her fingers.

"Three?" thought Sakura.

"Well, I like it!"

Sakura fold another of her finger. That was four different voices she heard. Sakura started to bite her lower lips, nervously. She wasn't expecting four guys moving in.

"Great, why all guys?" thought Sakura. Sakura took a deep breath, trying to calm herself down.

"It's okay. I lived here all my life; I know every corner of this house. And since I have excellent hearing skills, I can avoid any encounter with anyone before they see me," thought Sakura, confidently.

"Do you smell that?"

"Smell what?"

"Smell like...."

"Flower." Another person finished.

Sakura eyes widen as she sniffs herself. "It can't be me, right?" thought Sakura, nervously. Few seconds later, Sakura sighed in relief as she knew it couldn't be her. Not knowing when the renters was going to move in, Sakura didn't risk to leave her secret room. She shocked up her room with foods and any materials that she might need. Sakura noticed the voices began to fade away.

"Let's not worry Sakura. You won't get caught. I just have to wait until they all fall asleep," thought Sakura.

Later that night, Sakura slowly open the hidden door. When she was able to hear no sound whatsoever, she knew that everyone must have fallen asleep. Her plan was perfect. She will quickly sneak into the kitchen and refill her water. And if there was any food that she can take, she will only take a few so it won't leave any suspicion. Sakura slowly walk toward the kitchen without any hesitation. Sakura quietly filled out her bucket of water.

"Mission accomplished," thought Sakura, proudly. "Now to find some food."

"Finally, you showed up." Sakura froze as she heard an unfamiliar voice behind her.

Sakura eyes widen, terrified. Sakura can feel her heart beating rapidly and her sweat pouring down her forehead. Right behind her, stood a tall guy with chestnut color hair and amber eyes. He was wearing his usual clothing, a t-shirt and jeans.

"How is it possible? I didn't even hear his footsteps!" thought Sakura, frantically.

"You're the flower I keep smelling," said Syaoran with an amusing smile.

"F-f-flower?" stuttered Sakura, nervously. She slowly turned toward her voice.

"I'm done for... Now! PLAN B!" thought Sakura as she quickly threw the bucket of water at him and ran off.

BAM! As Sakura run for her life, she suddenly bumped into Syaoran.

"Ow!" shouted Sakura. Sakura stood frozen for a moment.

"H-How did you... you were just back there..." mumbled Sakura, confused. Did she miscalculate? No, this was her home! She knew every inch of this house. Her calculation couldn't be wrong. She felt his presence right in front of her. Sakura held her breath as Syaoran leaned closer to her, leaving only an inch apart between them.

"Are you blind?"

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