Chapter 11: Two-Headed Crickets

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Syaoran stopped singing as soon as he heard the scream coming from the end of the concert hall. He glanced at the entrance, where the door was closing shut. He squinted his eyes for a better view and saw a familiar girl leaving the scene.

"Sakura?" thought Syaoran, suspiciously. No, he must have been mistaken. There was no one Sakura would be here. But Syaoran couldn't shake off the thought that it could have been her.

"Little Wolf! Are you okay?" asked the director. Syaoran snapped back into the reality as he realized his song had ended.

"Yeah, I think that's enough practice," said Syaoran as he left the stage. It was a busy day for Syaoran. As other idols had their manager to support him, he had to do everything on his own. How long does he have to keep this up? How long can he keep this secret from his roommates? Curiously, Syaoran walked toward the front entrance from within. Syaoran reached for the door knob, hoping what he saw earlier was mistaken. Syaoran slowly opened the door and peaked out the hall. Syaoran observed the empty hall and sighed out in relief.

"What am I thinking?" mumbled out Syaoran as he closed the door and walked back to his private room.

Meanwhile, Sakura was running down the hall without worrying what was in front of her. Kero peaked out of Sakura's bag as he felt dizzy with all the motions.

"Sakura, where are we going?" asked Kero. Kero looked ahead of them and noticed a dead end.

"Sakura, there is a wall in front of us!" yelled out Kero as he began to panic. Hearing Kero's comment, Sakura stopped herself in time before she bumped into a wall. Sakura collapsed onto the floor as she faced the wall.

"Kero, did we lose him?" asked Sakura as she breathe heavily. Kero glanced behind them and noticed Yue slowly walking toward them.

"Umm... not exactly," said Kero. Sakura bit her lower lips, angrily. How dare he kiss her on the forehead? She knew that Yue was pure evil, but this was beyond evil. He was a psychopath!

"That PERVERTED DEMON!" hollered out Sakura, angrily.

"If you call that perverted, you will be surprise what else I want to do with you," said Yue as he appeared next to Sakura. Sakura eyes widen, terrified.

"Get away from me!" yelled out Sakura as she crawled away from Yue. Yue sighed out, helplessly.

"Don't be too angry Sakura, I was just a little jelly," said Yue.

"Jelly?" retorted Sakura, trying to figure out what jelly meant.

"The way you looked at him really annoyed me," said Yue. Sakura froze for a moment, trying to put the puzzle together what Yue was saying. Was he trying to tell her that he was jealous of Syaoran?

"Get away from Sakura or else," said Kero as he sticked out his tiny head out of Sakura's bed.

"What can you do? You don't even have the confidence to get out of the bag," said Yue.

"If you don't mind Sakura, I would like to stay for the concert," said Yue. Sakura blinked a couple of times, surprised. Yue wanted to stay for the concert? Why all of the sudden?

"I need to get rid of all the witnesses and clean up the mess wolf created," Yue continued to say.

"Witnesses?" retorted Sakura, not following what Yue was saying. Was he referring to the fans attending to the concert? Sakura gulped nervously. Her thoughts went wild as she imagining Yue killing everyone at the concert, leaving no one alive.

"Wait!" called out Sakura, nervously. It was her fault that she brought Yue to the concert hall. She can't let him kill everyone that attend! She thought for a moment, thinking out of a plan.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 09, 2021 ⏰

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