Chapitre 3

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Han's heart was ripped off, seeing her condition, but it was nothing compared to the pain he felt hearing her next words.

Inci: "Es... Esra... How... is this .... maaaan"?


Han had to leave Inci's room because he couldn't breathe anymore in there. Inci's words stabbed his heart like daggers.

He knew the moment he saw the look of disappointment and fear on Inci's face before the accident, that getting her trust back won't be easy. So, he prepared himself for the anger, for the resentment and even for the hate, that Inci might throw in his direction.

He was ready for it all!!

He was ready to beg for forgiveness and to prove his worthiness until his last days.

But he wasn't ready for the look of indifference and ignorance from Inci. She didn't recognize him.

His wife didn't recognize him at all, and it hurts like hell.


Mamdouh has already experienced the loss of a child. It's something that he doesn't wish even for his worst enemies. He prays every day to never taste it again.

Inci is different from her mother. She is smarter and wiser.

He never considered her as only his granddaughter; She was more of an equal and friend to him. She took responsibility of their family when she herself was still a teenager. She carried alone the weight of their family on her little shoulders. She never complained or wishes for more than his and Ege's happiness, until she met HIM.

For the first time in her life, Inci stood up to her choices and confronted him about her love life.

He hated to admit it, he was afraid that she might love that man more than her family. He was afraid that he won't be Inci's favorite male and hero anymore, as she used to tell him.

After all, his daughter did it before her. She loved a man more than anything in her life and he caused her demise. Mamdouh was against Inci's relationship because he was afraid she might share her mother's fate. Yet, the same scenario is repeating again in front of him, but this time it's his granddaughter instead of daughter.

As he approached the windows in their living room, he noticed the mug sitting on their coffee table. It was the one Inci used the night of the accident. Neither him or Ege dared to move it from its place. They left it there, for its owner to come back and move it.

Mamdouh heard a knocking on their door. He knew that sound very well, it was more like kicking on the door with shoes than knocking. He wasn't ready or in the mood for that conversation.

He was afraid that his anger might be directed at anyone related to that man.

He took some deep breaths to calm himself before opening the door.

Safiye was standing at their door with a hesitant and shy look holding a tray in her hands.

"I know that you hadn't a chance to eat anything today. You need to preserve your strength. Your grandchildren need you. She needs you. When she will wake up, she will ask about you, for sure".

A stop and then;

"I prepared a soup for you and your other grandchild, It's not something fancy but it's good for health and it's a family recipe".

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