Renegades on the Big Screen (Minor Spoilers)

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"Let's see if anything in this movie is accurate," Danna said as the movie started.

Nova thought it was kind of weird. They were the guests of honor and got special tickets for opening night, yet nobody was there to greet them. There weren't even reserved seats.

"Wait! Wait!" A woman exclaimed, running to the front with another woman behind her.

"Nova, Adrian, Oscar, Ruby, and Danna. We gave you the tickets. We're so sorry we were late, Tara's dog decided to eat some chocolate and he needed help."

The lights in the theater switched back on.

"Some of you may remember me. I am Kennedy, former founder of the Renegades Fan Club, former team member of Luna's team, current college professor. This is Tara, the former vice president, former member of Scorpio's team, and current lawyer." Kennedy said. "We were producers of this film and we paid a lot of money to see it come to fruition. We invited Nova, Adrian, Danna, Oscar, and Ruby here. The movie theater people were supposed to reserve seats, but someone, *cough, Oliver, cough* forgot to call ahead." A couple years ago, Kennedy and Oliver went through a nasty divorce, and now the two couldn't stand each other (this is an alternate universe. There is another universe in which Kennedy and Oliver are still happily married - this is a what-if situation).

Oliver was sitting near the front with the pair's kids. Nova noticed him rolling his eyes. Co-parenting must be a nightmare. Nova remembered how their custody battle played out. Kennedy got primary custody, but they visited their father regularly. He's trying to get primary custody now.

"Anyway, the original team, we thank you for coming. We hope you enjoy the movie." Kennedy said, and moved to her seat next to Tara and her husband, Soundwave, and their son.

Nova knew the name of their son; it was hard to forget. His name is Miles, and he was all over the news because he was transgender, and he was one of the first transgender patients to use Gatlon's new transgender care clinic (A/N: I am an intern at a LGBTQ+ care clinic, and I can confirm that they are amazing places). A few years ago and he would have had to travel pretty far to get his hormones.

The movie theater darkened again and the movie started.

Nova expected to see herself painted as the villain. The person that needed to be punished.

But all she saw was the actress portraying her as an emotionally abused person who didn't understand that what she was doing was bad. She saw herself under the influence of Ace and Honey. She saw someone hell-bent on avenging her parents.

She didn't see a villain. She saw a person with thoughts and feelings and a broken heart.

At some point, Adrian grabbed Nova's hand and squeezed it.

She smiled at him.

As the movie ended, Nova was grateful. The movie was wonderfully done and did not paint her out to be a horrible person. Sure, abuse doesn't excuse her behavior, but it gives a good reason for why she made the choices she did.

And hopefully more people will understand why she wanted to take down the Renegades.


At the end of the movie, the group moved into the lobby.

"Did that really happen, mom? That's awesome," Tala said. Georgia nodded in agreement.

"Mom and dad are so much cooler than I thought," Julia stated.

Nova noticed that Trent and Naomi started talking to Tala and Georgia. They better not like her girls just because of their parents or so help her....

Renegades One Shots (Nodrian, Osby, and Random)Where stories live. Discover now