Chapter 1- Trouble's Coming

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Locke Reid leaned back into their blanket fort and sighed, running a hair through their short, brown hair, causing it to stick up slightly. Their blue eyes stared blankly at the wall before them, their usual sharpness dulled by the tears pooling there. They had just received an email telling them who their Formula 2 teammate would be for the 2020 season. They had desperately hoped for someone new and interesting, or maybe an older, friendly, familiar face. But instead, they had this. Nikita Mazepin.

As much as they were excited for their year with Hitech GP in Formula 2, this announcement knocked the air out of their chest. How could this have happened? A lot of people knew Nikita's attitudes and Locke's opposing identity, but of course that would never be considered when deciding who deserves a seat. And it if was, Locke would likely be the one to end up without the seat rather than Mazepin.

Locke closed their laptop, putting the email out of sight, and opened WhatsApp on their phone. They clicked the contact at the top of the list: their best friend Mick, saved as Partner in Crime in their phone. They knew he would have advice on how to react and process this, as he was their voice of reason.

 They knew he would have advice on how to react and process this, as he was their voice of reason

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As soon as this exchange with Mick ended, he called Locke

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As soon as this exchange with Mick ended, he called Locke. After less than one ring, Locke answered.

"Hi Mick!!" Locke said forcing optimism into their tone.

"Hi Locke. Are you ok?" Mick asked, with urgency in his voice.

"Yeah. I mean, I've been better, but you know, I've also been worse," responded Locke reluctantly, desperately attempting to conceal their emotions. Their efforts were futile.

Mick could read Locke like an open book with a font large enough that it was legible from 10 metres away. They always hid in their metal bubble to escape vulnerability, especially when they were as shaken as this, so this reaction was no surprise to him. But no one expected them to be OK after such an announcement. "Locke. I'm so sorry this has happened. You have the worst possible teammate for next year, and to be perfectly honest, I'm surprised you've held it together this long. All of your emotions are completely understandable," Mick reassured them.

"I know Mick." They paused to think for a second. "I just don't understand why.... why me? Why him?" Their words, though barely audible, were full of despair. A couple of stray tears fell from their eyes in lamentation. They pulled their blanket tighter around them and brought their knees up to their chest, staring unblinkingly at the wall before them. They began gently rocking back and forth, gaze still distant.

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