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"I wont let them touch you harry" draco said calmly. I looked away from him but he pulled me closer and kissed my lips. he suddenly opened the top draw of his bedside table and pulled out two guns

"come on" he said taking my hand. he pulled me into some kinda room I hadn't been in, I didnt even know where we were going my mind was thinking to much to even take in my soundings.

"wait... so.." I mumbled when he sat me down somewhere

"be quiet" he whispered softly and kissed my lips. he made sure the guns were loaded before he sat on the ground next to me and pulled me into his lap as he kissed my cheek.

"this is all my fault... if anyone dies" I mumbled before my body started shaking

"hey, hey, it's not your fault" he whispered softly

"it is... he... I should have just stayed home and taken the beatings" I whispered into his chest. he kissed my head. soon there was a gun shot and he froze.

"harry I'm gonna go see what's going on out there, I need you to stay here okay?" he whispered. I shook my head and held onto him but he got away and left.

i curled up into a ball and held my breath, hoping nothing was gonna happen. all i could hear was gun shots and random yelling that i couldn't actually make out.

suddenly, after about 10 minutes, the door opened. thinking it was draco I let out a breath of relief but when I came face to face with my father I swear my heart had never jumped so high in my life

"you're coming back home young man." he snapped. I was to shocked to fight back as he grabbed me.

"no!" Neville yelled as he walked out with me over his shoulder. he walked through the living room, I felt my whole body go numb when I seen dracos body on the ground, almost lifeless

"NO NO NO" I screamed kicking my father as much as I could. he gasped and let me go, as soon as I fell to the floor i ran over to draco, tears streaming down my face. i placed my hand on his cheek and looked into his lifeless face

"no please dray... dont leave me please" I mumbled falling onto his chest as I started crying even more.

"POTTER, POLICE ARE HERE WE HAVE TO GO" Lunas dad yelled running into the room.

"let's just go. that gay piece of shit isnt worth it, hes broken now the blond one is dead anyway" my father said before leaving.

"draco please" I cried. I looked back up at his face and kissed his lips

"I need you, please wake up" I whispered

"I called an ambulance... harry hes gonna be okay" Neville said sitting next to me and pulling me into his arms. I held onto Neville as I cried into his chest, he ran his hand up and down my back

"there is no blood on him but his leg, hes okay, he just got knocked out okay?" he whispered trying to comfort me. but I didnt believe it. I knew that having draco in my life was to good to be true and now because of me hes dead.

when the ambulance came only Neville and I went in there with draco, the rest went in a car

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