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dracos pov

I woke up to voices, and then laughing. I opend my eyes and seen Katie and Pansy in my room, both holding one of Harry's hands whispering to him, they were all laughing but trying to be quiet. I smirked and grabbed Harry's waist pulling him back down making them all jump in surprise. katie then squeaked

"tell him harry!!" she said excitedly

"isn't he already though? I mean draco clearly can't keep his hands off harry" pansy said

"what are you talking about?" I asked. harry bit the inside of his lip and looked at the girls awkwardly. they gasped and walked out quickly and shut the door behind them

"harry?" I said raising an eyebrow. he laughed and lay down next to me and kissed my nose

"hello boss" he said jokingly. I smiled

"hello" I responded. he smiled and played with my hair a little

"you are a dumb little bitch" he said suddenly

"what?" I said laughing. he smiled

"you. are. stupid." he said simply.

"you. are. adorable." I said back making him smile

"you can't fight. I dont know why you think you're such a great leader" he said. I laughed again and pulled him closer

"right...." i mumbled jokingly

"TOLD YOU!!" he yelled suddenly. the girls came back in

"bloody hell... I think dracos in love" pansy said. I had no idea what was going on

"draco. you are a fucking idiot" katie said simply.

"WHAT THE FUCK DID YOU JUST SAY YOU LITTLE SHIT?!" I yelled angrily. harry started pissing himself laughing

"see! draco wont ever get mad at harry but he gets so pissed off at the rest of us!" pansy said. I sighed

"you two better get the fuck out of my bedroom" I said simply. katie quickly pulled Pansy out of the room. I sighed and grabbed harry cuddling him close

"draco, what would it take for you to let me join the deatheaters?" he asked playing with my hair

"harry. no. you're not getting into this kinda stuff" I said simply pulling back to look at him

"you kinda already have. last night I overheard dean and blaise talking about it" he said grabbing my hand and playing with my fingers. I sighed

"harry, I'm not letting you officially join the gang but I will ask you to live here. with me. so I can keep you safe" I said softly moving my hand to play with his hair

"move- move in with you?" he mumbled. I nodded my head

"me and everyone in this house will protect you with our lives" I promised him. he smiled to himself and nodded his head

"okay, I'll move in with you"

❁ ════ ❃• ÷ •❃ ════ ❁

"let's walk into school holding hands. I dont care what people think" harry said as I tried to pull away as we got closer to school

"really?" I asked nervously

"really!" he said smiling at me happily. I smiled and kissed his head squeezing his hand as we walked into school

everybody was watching. some just kinda stood there in shock and others whispered. some smiled small smiles and others glared, harry didnt seem to have a care in the world.

"and you have art first?" I asked as we stopped at his locker

"yes, I do... stalker!" he said grabbing out a new art book that Cedric had got him and closed his locker

"no, I- I wouldn't say stalker... i would say, observer" I replied kissing his hand as I walked him to art

"yeah right! observer my ass, you know everything about me!" he said as we reached his class. I smiled and kissed him quickly, once again people quickly whispered

"basketball at lunch?" I asked  wrapping my arms around him, it feel so good to be able to do this in public. he smiled and nodded his head

"okay, see you then" i whispered against his lips, I was about to kiss him but suddenly he got pulled from my grip.

"sorry Malfoy, but I need harry desperately!" Cedric said, looking rather panicked

"for what?" harry asked tugging on the sleeves of my sweater I had given him this morning

"I messed up the landscape again!" he said angrily. harry laughed

"I'll be there in a second" he said pushing his friend back into the class. he quickly kissed me goodbye before walking into the classroom. I smiled and watched through the small glass gap as harry shoved Cedric away from the canvas and started painting on it. I walked away and made my way to science. I think I'm falling in love with harry

"HARRY!" ron yelled as harry scored another goal. suddenly I was being pulled by my wrist by the red head

"harry luna... she's... shes gone insane! she seen you two this morning and was outraged! I dont know why... but she... shes just gone mental" he said looking rather worried.

oh no what have I done

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