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dracos POV

to my surprise, harry didnt want to see his mother, I'm more than sure its because he knows his father will be there. I walked him to the house, where the gang lived.  he gasped taking in the size of the building, I smiled and tightened my grip on Harry's hand

"you actually live here?!" he gasped taking in the massive living room. I laughed and wrapped my arms around him and kissed his neck softly

"no, I took a random mans keys" I said sarcastically. harry rolled his eyes playfully and shoved me away getting a better look at the living room and the kitchen, to my luck nobody had left any guns or anything like that out.

"WHY IS YOUR BATHROOM SO MASSIVE?!" he yelled making me laugh

"what if I said the upstairs one is bigger?" I said leaning against the door frame to the bathroom. he stared at me, his mouth wide open with shock. I smirked and walked over to him, pushing his jaw up before kissing him.

"so my beautiful boyfriend, what do you wanna do? do you wanna keep staring at my bathroom in amazement or do you want to watch a movie? sleep? cook? burn my house down?" I said playing with his hair. he laughed and wrapped his arms around me

"cuddles! and movie" he said kissing my chin, the only part of my face he could reach with out standing on his tiptoes.

"okay, first I wanna check your bruising" I said softly lifting him up carefully and placing him on the bench before looking for the first aid kit

"take your shirt off" I said softly, he rolled his eyes but took his shirt off. I sighed looking at all the bruising, his stomach covered in blue, purple and green. I cleaned his cuts and added some weird cream for bruising that Dean got.

"there" I said smiling sadly at him. he sighed and pulled his shirt back over his head

"thanks" he mumbled. I smiled and held my hands out to help him off the bench, once he got down he didnt let go of my hands

"wanna watch a movie now?" I asked kissing his head. he nodded and followed me out of the room. I sat down on the couch with him and went onto Netflix, my phone buzzed so I handed the remote to him and checked it.

text message

dean: when are we aloud back?

draco: later.

dean: why?

draco: I have my boyfriend over

dean: why not tell him? or we can act like flatmates?

draco: fine.

end of conversation

"who's that?" harry asked

"one of my flatmates" I replied pulling him into my arms as the movie started

"I knew you didnt live alone. imagine if you did! there is so much space it would feel so lonely!" he said laying down with his head in my lap. I smiled and grabbed the blanket that lives on top of the couch and put it over him

"maybe, all the more reason to have you here" I replied playing with his hair.

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