Chapter 3: Husband-To-Be

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Violet's POV

"What?!" I yelled at my mother the second the words had left her mouth. "You and Dad must think you have some kind of soft, compliant princess for a daughter instead of a bitch that will fight back. There is no fucking way I'm going to marry Jonas Sinn! I don't even know him!" My mother winced at my foul language. I stood up from my twin-sized bed with its ripped and torn quilt of all colors under the sun on it, to pace the short distance from wall to wall.

"Violet please..." I stopped and looked at her sitting on the bed. I loved my parents so dearly, it was hard to believe that they could do this to me. Then I noticed the red ringing in my mother's eyes and her slightly puffy lips. She didn't want this for me either.

"Our debts grew and grew. Your father had met a man called Karrak Sinn at the mechanic's shop where he worked. A deal was made where he would cover all our debts. However, the debt to him had to be paid back in five years. If not, you were to marry his son. Darling... There is nothing we can do. We still owe over twenty-five thousand dollars. Our time limit is up. And believe me, I have seen this man and his son. They are not a family to mess with. People end up dead there, in their house on Caster Hill. They will kill us all." She whispered and I could see and hear her fear.

I felt like the tiny grey walled room was closing in on me. "Mom, I need to think on this a while, okay?" I told her quietly as I started biting on my lower lip. Nodding, she got up and left my small unadorned room.

Screaming inside I plopped back down on my bed in my black skinny jeans and a black t-shirt. I wanted to yell and scream, but I didn't.

My parents had worked hard all their lives at all kinds of jobs to give me a good home and raise me right. But damnit, I don't want to marry this man! My mind screamed. But I owe my parents my life. You don't owe them this kind of bullshit! My mind quieted as my devious side came forward reminding me about Mr. Sinn. That's it! I'll go and talk with him myself. Get an extension on the debt. Anything to change this outcome. Right then and there, I started to formulate a plan.

One hour later...

The long shower seemed to relax me somewhat, which was good because I needed to think with a clear mind. Stepping into my red stilettos with black stockinged feet with seams weaving up to the backs of my thighs, I walked over to my cinder block and plywood, bedside table in my black lace bra and thong set.

In my small mirror, I soon looked like a person that was definitely not me thanks to the makeup I wore. My black eyes were black lined into cat's eye with only a hint of mascara since my lashes were already long. Light blusher and barely-there tone with cherry red lipstick. I looked about 28 - 29 years old though I was only twenty-two. The face was that of a confident seductress, perfect!

As I got up and walked to the closet, I remembered last year when my mother gave me the cash to blow on an outfit to wear to the clubs I went to with my friends. I never did wear the red dress. Until now. Slipping it over my head, I pushed my arms through the long fitted sleeves. Carefully, I slid the form-fitting dress down my body to my upper thighs. It fit like a second skin. Adjusting my breasts up top, I didn't like how much cleavage showed beneath the low sweetheart neckline although, for my mission to stay single, it was just right. Opening up the closet door wide, I didn't know the person that stared back at me. Raising my arms to my thick dark brown hair, I braided and twisted it against the back of my head. Leaning over, I picked up my hairpins and pinned my hair in place. When I looked in the mirror again, it was just perfect! Reaching into the closet again, I brought out a very wide-brimmed chapeau hat and settled it on my head, Vogue style. When I turned to the mirror I was shocked. I looked sleek and svelte like a model. Who would have guessed? Irresistible. At least I hope I looked that way. Walking to the bed I slid my phone into the matching clutch purse. As I turned toward the door, the words, I can fix this! I will fix this! I can fix this! Circled through my head like a chant.

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