Chapter 18: Phone Tag

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Ion Sinn's POV

When the silver elevator doors to the office opened, I ran and slammed my shoulder into Karrack's locked office doors. Wood cracked and splintered, violently exploding inward towards his desk. Wood cracked and broke beneath my feet as I tore apart Karrack's desk, looking for clues of where he may have taken Violet. Grabbing hold of his laptop, I found nothing in his files to even hint at it. In my mind, I can hear him laughing, and I can hear her screams. Damnit!

Picking my phone up out of my pocket, I dialed Liam and set the phone to my ear. He picked up on the second ring.

"Yeah, hey man, whatcha need?" He asked me quickly, I could tell he was eager to help.

Taking a deep breath, I told him, "Shit, Liam. I can't find anything on this bastard here at the office. I'm going to check Synning Estate, but I highly doubt he'll be there. You got any ideas?"

I could almost hear the wheels turning fast in his mind. He caught his breath and answered, "Ya know, you could check for the blueprints on that place. You never know what might show up?"

My mind raced at the possibility of finding her quickly. "Can you get them while I search the Estate? I swear to God Himself, I find that fucker he's as good as dead."

"Okay, Will do, and if you catch the son of a bitch, kick the fucker while he's down for me, alright? All kinds of great ass-kickery!" He was grinning on his side, it was in his voice.

I had to smile at his enthusiasm. "Send the plans through my phone, and I'll hook up to his computer there to read them. Gotta go now, literally have to run."

"Peace out, bro!" I heard him yell before I cut the phone call. A bit on the crazy side, but that's my baby bro.

Instead of going out the destroyed doors to Karrack's office, where I noted that the doorframe had bowed outward. I guess I'll have to get that whole wall fixed now. No matter. I shrugged it off as I entered the side room for the service elevator. It would definitely save me time going 69 floors,  avoiding people hitting all the stops.

As I rode down my mind kept playing with me. Knowing what Karrack liked to do with his women was not helping. I wanted to kick the silver doors again and again, but it wouldn't stop the images in my mind. My hands balled into fists, wanting to squeeze the life out of him.

When the doors finally opened, I was a blur to any humans present as I ran through the lobby and out of the building. Picking up speed, I ran toward Synning Estate ready to demolish the place to find Violet. I cared for her far more deeply than I wanted to admit to myself. Call me a coward, but I know I hold back because, in thousands of years, her heart is the only one that has ever touched mine. So the concept is a bit frightening. More frightening though, is the thought of losing her.

As I approached the Estate, there were some lights on here and there. Bending lie as I ran, I took on the two heavy solid oak doors and destroyed them to splinters as I smashed my way inside to the foyer.

Security was on me in a flash, and my eyes flashed crimson. One vampire in a black suit barreled toward me and I crouched low just in time to throw him over my back. The other came at me with a silver knife but I caught his wrist up in front and twisted his wrist until he dropped the knife where I could catch it. Breaking his neck swiftly with a hand on each side of his head, I turned to the other who was just sitting upright and held the silver knife to his throat, backing him up against my legs. "WHERE THE FUCK IS VIOLET!" I yelled at him through gritted teeth.

"I don't know who you are talking about. There's no one here, Sir." The guard answered, clearly afraid of me. Moving in front of him, we made eye contact and I let my ancient power over the mind, speak for itself. Removing the knife, I looked deep into his eyes and wrapped myself around his mind.

"You will obey me in all things even those you disagree with. You will never lie to me, uh.." I dug deeper for his name. "Dominic. Disobedience of any kind means death. Are we clear?" My words tore away at any residual commands that could have been left by his Sire, replacing them with mine. He was my weapon now.

His body shook with fear as he realized what I had done. "Honestly Sir, there is no one here." Sliding the blade into my belt I rose and offered him a hand which he took willingly.

Disappointed, I looked at the 6ft tall, thickly muscled man with dark brown hair. "Go about your business and do your job. You see anything suspicious, you are to inform me. Quickly I reached into his breast pocket and removed his phone, swiftly punching in my digits. And a different name. Cyril. "My real name is Ion, but this way if you are searched for any reason, they may just pass it up." I handed the phone back to him and he put it back from where I had taken it, turning around he slowly walked away as I'd commanded.

Hearing footsteps, I turned my head and Syd walked into view of the demolished doorway. Taking his time looking at the wreckage he shook his head. "Did you try knocking first, Sir?"

Frowning, and with every muscle tensed just in case, I answered. "I own this house, contrary to what you may have been told. Therefore, I don't need anyone's permission to do anything here, Syd." I paused to let the truth of the words sink in. "Where have you been? It's quite unusual for one head of security to up and leave his men behind." I pulled the silver blade from my belt and began tossing it in the air casually. "If there is no one here as Dominic says, then why are any of you here to begin with?"

Taking a good look at the vampire on the ground with a broken neck he pointed out quietly, "You know, that one will heal again, right?"

Blinking, my eyes settled back to their normal brown. "Unlike some Syd, I don't believe in just killing people off." Syd seemed to be having some sort of conflict going on in his mind, and I think I know what it is. "Just answer my questions please?"

His eyes never met mine,  it shifted to the side as he answered."I had to drop off a few things at the office for your brother Jonas, then came back here. It was Karrack that had asked us to be here tonight. Though what for, I don't know. We haven't seen him."

Right then, my phone chose to go off. Pulling it out of my pocket, I saw my brother's name and held it up to my ear. "Yeah Liam, what have you got?"

His breath was coming fast so I could tell he was excited. "SCORE!!! I think I might know right where they are! You are gonna love me for this!" My jaw dropped and I turned away from Syd.

"Tell me!" I asked with a hint of desperation.

"You're there, right? I knew it! There is a basement right off the kitchen area. Go check it out while I keep looking at the blueprints." He trailed off.

Running to the kitchen, I looked everywhere until I finally found stone steps that led downward. On the stone wall was a sconce with a small torch. Using one of the matches off the brass ledge, I lit the torch and ducked as the hall got narrow. At the end of the hall, there was a door. I swallowed hard at the thought of what may be happening there beyond that door. Carefully like in a slow-motion film, I opened the door...

 Carefully like in a slow-motion film, I opened the door

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