59 Once - Pearl Jam

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I'll relive it, without pain

I hated when we had really rainy days and my parents decided to act like parents of the year. Some days they just got it in their heads that they had to do something nice to me and today was a day like that. They figured that since it was raining so heavily, I was better off if they drove me to school. Which was annoying because I had been looking forward to walking with Shouta.

But they were insistent, so I had to text him and tell him I wasn't going to walk today. Hopefully he hadn't been waiting for me already. Of course that meant that I was way too early for school that day and was actually one of the first. Which was good because it gave me a chance to actually get some assignments done that I would have had to do during lunch otherwise.

It still sucked, because I could have spent that time with Shouta instead. And since we would be doing work studies soon, we wouldn't even have that much time to hang out during the summer break or after school or even on some school days. And that thought really, really sucked.
So while I was more or less diligently doing my assignments, silently watched by the rest of the class, I heard some familiar footsteps coming into the class. I looked up from my paper and directly into Hizashi's face who was grinning down at me, apparently happy that he was still dry as well.

"Yo, yo, yo! Someone's early!" he greeted me. I grinned and shrugged.

"Yeah, my parents insisted on driving me this morning." I replied, rolling my eyes. Hizashi sat down at the desk in front of me, before turning around.

"Where'd you leave Shou? He literally lives on the way, why didn't you bring him?" Hizashi wanted to know. I sighed. Why was he even asking that when he knew the whole story with my parents?

"You know my parents don't like him. They didn't even let me get a word in, so I could ask." I grumbled, as the bell rang and our homeroom teacher came inside. He already looked exhausted and I knew he wasn't in the mood to put up with any bullshit today. And both Shouta and Oboro were late. Damn it.

"Good morning, everyone. I see we have some people missing. As usual..." he started, as his eyes wandered over the seats. I gulped and thankfully at that moment the door opened and Shouta came in without saying a word. He was dripping wet and looked like he was freezing.

"What, forgot your umbrella?" our teacher wanted to know, before sighing and shaking his head. "The bell already rang, so get changed quickly."

"Nah... this is fine for the mood I'm in..." Shouta muttered, as he passed the teacher's desk quickly. I felt really bad. I knew my parents wouldn't have wanted to give him a lift to school as well, but still... I felt like it was my fault that he was in such a bad and gloomy mood today.

"Have it your way, but don't come crying when your mood leaves you with a cold. Looking after your own health is part of your duties as a student walking the path of the hero." our teacher lectured.

"Uh-huh." was all Shouta replied, before plopping down at his desk. Both Hizashi and I were watching him, kind of worried about just how depressed he looked today. Something was up with him.

"I'm powerless." he muttered, once he had sat down. Hizashi was faster to react than I was and I wasn't sure if that was such a good thing.

"Heeeeere we go! Shouta Aizawa's gloomy gus routine! I wonder what's got our boy so down in the dumps at this early hour! Let's hear that again, since it's so funny. Aizawa says 'I'm...'" he shouted, drawing the attention of the entire class to the two of them. Shouta looked like he wanted to die, but Hizashi didn't seem like he was going to let go off him soon. He pulled him closer and punched his arm.

"Shove it."

"Hahaha, what a charmer!"

"Shut up."

"Woah there, Hizashi! Got yer hands all over Shouta, don't you?" a voice from the window called out. God damn it. Did all my friends decide to act up today for some reason? That was none other than Oboro, who was climbing in through the window now.

"Outrageous! Scandalous! Shameful! Lemme in on it!" he shouted with a big grin on his face. Much to our teacher's dismay.

"Damn it, Shirakumo! Is that any way to enter a classroom?" he asked, clearly antagonized already.

"Yes! Straight through the third floor window. My Cloud Quirk is super handy for getting around." Oboro replied, true to his happy-go-lucky nature. I facepalmed. What was he even thinking?

"I don't give a damn about that. Just use the door like everyone else." our teacher growled. Oboro saluted him jokingly.

"Sir, yes, Sir!"

"In your seat! Time for roll call!" the teacher shouted. Oboro didn't seem to be able to read the atmosphere in the room - or he simply didn't want to.

"Yo, anyone got a towel? I'm soaked to the bone!" he yelled. I sighed and grabbed a towel from my gym bag and threw it over to him.

"Dry off. Quickly." he just muttered.

"Oh yeah, Shouta! This is your umbrella, right?" Oboro asked next, Shouta giving him a shocked and wide-eyed look.


"You must've dropped it back there!"

"... Shirakumo, was anything under this?" he asked, sounding extremely concerned, as he grabbed the umbrella from his hands. His question went unheard, as Hizashi chimed in, doing finger guns at Oboro.

"Hey, hey, hey, Oboro! Who said you could take it all off?" he wanted to know, laughing loudly. I looked over and saw Oboro who had already stripped absolutely butt-naked. What the hell...?

"You ever tried wearing wet underpants? It's gross. Never fear, friends! Sit back and observe. This fabulous application of my Quirk creates an aesthetic that's censored just enough. And inside this cloud is this charming little creature!" he announced and stuck his hands in the one (1) cloud that was covering him. To say I was dumbfounded was an understatement. And there were other upset voices, as well.

"You're going way too far, man! There's girls here!"

"You suck, Shirakumo! Go to hell!"

"Ta-dah!" Oboro just shouted and held out something in his hands. It was a tiny kitten. I really wanted to stay serious, but... the little thing was so cute, I couldn't help but coo at it. I glanced over at Shouta, whose eye was twitching in annoyance.

"Roll call. Boys first. Aizawa." the teacher finally interrupted them. Shouta sat back down and sighed.


I looked over at him, while our teacher was doing his roll call. It took a little while until I was able to actually make eye contact with him. He just looked defeated for some reason and I couldn't help but feel guilty.

"You okay, Shou?" I asked him. He sighed and nodded, before looking over at Oboro who had the little kitten sitting on his cloud. I hadn't even been paying attention to the roll call, but got a fright when Hizashi suddenly started shouting.


"Keep it down, Yamada."

It seemed like the cat was just as startled as she put her head up and seemed to look around. I smiled at the kitten. The temptation to just reach out and pet it was insanely strong and Shouta looked like he couldn't keep his eyes off the cat either. Our eyes met and I gave him a small smile, before we both looked over to Oboro. He seemed pretty happy with himself, especially as he turned around to us with both thumbs up and a big grin on his face. But how the hell was he planning to keep a cat at school?

All I Have Is All You Gave To Me [Young!Aizawa x Reader]Where stories live. Discover now