100 Iris - The Goo Goo Dolls

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And all I can taste is this moment

And all I can breathe is your life

I both loved and hated waking up with Shouta in his tiny, unheated studio apartment. I loved it, because when I stayed there, the only thing I could do in order not to die, was to share his sleeping bag with him and while it could be a little uncomfortable at times, waking up in the sleeping back, with Shouta's arms wrapped tightly around me was the best feeling in the entire world. It was cozy and warm and I loved waking up like this. I didn't know why I hadn't taken naps with him earlier.

But I also hated it because... well, because I had to get up for work while Shouta could just sleep in for however long he wanted. And getting up meant that I had to get out of the sleeping bag and be hit with the harsh reality of an apartment that had no functioning heating.

It was torture. And not only was it annoying that it was cold as fuck every time I crawled out of the sleeping bag, it was also so difficult to get out of it, because every time I attempted to escape, Shouta would just hold me tighter and ramble on about 'just five more minutes' and I hated it.

Not because I hated Shouta hugging me tightly and cuddling me, but because I had to get up and go to work, but him keeping me in the sleeping bag just made it way too tempting to ditch work.

And the next thing, after escaping Shouta's death grip and the cozy and comfy warmth of his sleeping bag and entering the cold, harsh world of reality was... there was literally nothing in the apartment. We had one big towel and one small towel that we shared and when they were in the laundry... well, we didn't have any towels then. Absolutely none whatsoever. It sucked.

The bathroom was so tiny that I always, always, always hit my elbow while trying to brush my teeth (that was if we had running water, which wasn't a given, since it was an old building). But all of that was doable. The biggest problem for me was the lack of electricity and simple kitchen appliances. Things like a fridge or a toaster or a rice cooker or a coffee machine.

Shouta was poor as hell and my little bit of salary wasn't going to make a huge difference. And being poor like that just really sucked. A lot. Getting up and not being able to make a decent breakfast or even a coffee to make things more endurable was one major downside to all this.

But in the end I didn't mind. I had Shouta there with me and I knew it would get better, bit by bit, over time. It didn't look like much right now, but it would somehow work out in the end. I grabbed some of my clothes that were lying around on the floor and put them on while Shouta was sleepily watching me, just his face looking out of his trademark yellow sleeping bag.

"Morning." I heard him mutter as I turned back around and grabbed two slices of bread. They were kinda soggy, and I really wished I could have toasted them, but it just wasn't possible. And I already knew that the first thing we'd buy was a coffee machine, so the toaster just had to wait.

"Morning, Shou." I replied with a tortured smile. I couldn't believe I already had to go back to work.

"What time is it?" Shouta mumbled.

"The usual time I get up. I've got about half an hour left, before I need to leave for work." I told him. Shouta nodded.



"Why don't you call in sick today? Just stay with me." he suggested. I smiled at him sadly. There was nothing I wanted to do more, but the (future) rent and coffee machine didn't pay themselves.

"I can't, Shou, I need to work." I answered and he groaned. I could understand his frustration, especially when I thought about how I'd have to deal with my workmates making weird comments about him again. I knew that things would get better, but until then it was annoying.

"But I'll miss you." Shouta compained. I chuckled. Shouta was just really cranky in the mornings, but whenever I was over he would complain all morning about me leaving him alone. It was kind of cute. It only annoyed me some days, but those were the days when he got really clingy. I never would have thought I'd call him clingy ever, but in the mornings? Definitely.

"I'll miss you, too, Shouta. I'll miss you so much. But hey, it's only going to be one more week until I move in!"



"Not a week anymore. Five days." Shouta muttered, his eyes falling shut again. I gave him a surprised look.

"Shouta, have you been counting the days until I move in?" I wanted to know. It would be a very Shouta thing to do, but every single time he did anything sweet like that I was second guessing.

"'Course I did. Can't wait until we're finally together. Like, really together." he muttered, his words getting somewhat slurred.

"Why are you so adorable?"

"No, you're adorable."

"Stop, Shou, you're actually gonna make me blush!" I exclaimed. He smiled, his eyes still closed.

"Good. You're cute when you blush." he mumbled.

"And you're silly."

"Yeah, maybe. Now get going to work a little earlier. I know you need your coffee. And I know you can get coffee at work, so get going so you'll have time for that." he said quietly and with a little knowing smile.

"Oh? I thought you wanted me to stay because you were going to miss me?" I asked, taking a bite off the soggy bread. It was honestly disgusting, but I was really damn hungry, so it was better than nothing.

"Yeah, I do, but I know you can't stay. So I'm willing to make sacrifices, so you're happy." he replied.

"Oh wow. That's so generous of you."

"I know, right? I only have one condition." he muttered. I mustered him, wondering how sleepy morning Shouta and stoic, rational daytime Shouta could ever be such different people.

"And what would that condition be?" I wanted to know, quickly finishing up my bread. Shouta grinned and moved in his sleeping bag, bringing his hand up to his face and tapping against his lips.

I rolled my eyes and shook my head, before heading over to him and kneeling down beside him, pressing a long kiss to his lips. He seemed pretty happy with that, because he just smiled at me widely with closed eyes. I really wanted to take a picture of him when he was like this, but I knew he would be very much awake if he noticed it and he would hunt me down and get me to delete that picture immediately. It was like he had a sixth sense for cameras.

"Are you happy now?" I wanted to know.

"Very much so."

"Alright, I'll go and head off to work then. I love you, Shou."

"Love you, too, F/N. Have a nice day at work. Be careful, okay?"

"I will be, Shou. Have a nice day, too. Don't push yourself too hard. And eat something proper, okay?" I told him, before getting up and putting on my jacket and grabbing my bag. Shouta nodded.

"Of course. Bye!" he said, as I made my way towards the door. I smiled at him and opened the door to head out.

"Bye, Shou."

All I Have Is All You Gave To Me [Young!Aizawa x Reader]Where stories live. Discover now