6: Jisso

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just keep speaking, it feels good


"so, when I was born I was very little, my dad was a farmer and my mom helped him. I was always in help with them, as I'm a good child. One of my aunts came to our house and we served her our farm-fresh food my mom made, and she was impressed. She was managing a hotel, so she asked for a supply of vegetables and my mum was a chef. Our family got good and my parents thought about some more business and boom! They opened a smally tolly home bakery and then---"

*sponge bob voice* one eternity later

"and so we collaborated with the Seoul soul company and build this café near this park. It was easy to have this one, not like the other two, as I told you about the struggle" and then he took a final breath.

Jungkook blinked once and twice, expecting Taehyung to continue as he thought that this guy has no end. More than half of the things flew over Jungkook's head, he didn't catch much as Taehyung was speaking fast and too much, TOO MUCH!

The empty banana milk cup made slurpy sounds as Jungkook didn't realize that he finished all his drink and his mouth kept sucking the empty cup on the straw.

"Jungkook" Taehyung called, looking at younger creepily. Jungkook couldn't hear him anymore, his voice was moving in circles around his head.

"Jungkook!" Taehyung again called, leaning a bit on the table and again getting no answer from Jungkook.

"JUNGKOOK!" Taehyung loudened his voice and slapped the table making the stuff bounce up softly as the slap was not too hard.

Jungkook jerked up on the sound. He snapped out of the world and looked at Taehyung close to him. A sense of warmness climbed up his cheeks to his ear and he blinked at Taehyung.

"you okay?" Taehyung asked and Jungkook nodded before clearing his throat making Taehyung retreat back to his position.

"that's cool! But damn dude! You speak too much! What was in the burger? Or do you always stay this high?" Jungkook asked throwing his hands in the air.

Taehyung rolled his eyes and focused on his leftover soft drink, he twirled the straw around, making the liquid spin and the table went silent.

Only if Jungkook was not staring at Taehyung, he would've missed how Taehyung's pouted making his lips come out and his eyes got sad. His tone of voice took a drastic change it was down graphed from excited to low sad. "you know Jungkookie, I don't really want to take over the company." Taehyung said.

Jungkook was a bit surprised at the nickname which didn't help to take his blush down. He liked Taehyung being all excited but he would be ready to console the stranger.

"what do you want to do? Do you have something planned?" Jungkook asked and Taehyung looked up to youngers soft eyes.

"I... I like doing music. I can play saxophone really well, and I also like to sing, but if I sit at my dad's place, I will not be able to do what I want... I wanted to ask Jisso if she wants to sit at my place and handle the restaurants because she can do it really well! but I don't know how to say it to her" Taehyung said looking at Jungkook.

"Jisso? You have a girlfriend?" Jungkook asked with amusement.

Taehyung looked at him with narrow eyes. "weren't you listening to me when I was telling you my story!?" he asked, acting a bit furious but he was failing at it.

"I mean, I listened but some of the details flew over my head," Jungkook said scratching his nape.

"she is my younger sister..."

Jungkook's mouth was left in an 'O' and he nodded. "see Taehyung, if you really like music and you feel happy doing it, DO THAT! who knows you can become a pop star. And if you think your sister can do well in handling the cafes, let her do it! Be his partner as a good sibling and help her a bit on the side while perusing your music!" Jungkook said resting his hands over the table.

Taehyung, who was already in deep thoughts and listening to Jungkook carefully, nodded and a small smile made his lips curl up.

"thank you Jungkook." He said and showed his bright box smile.

Taehyung was about to say more when his phone ringed. He pulled it out of his pocket and looked at the number. He looked up at Jungkook and said "wait for me, just a minute" he said before he walked out of the door at the street. He picked up the call and said without a greeting.

"Yah! Why are you calling me?"


who the fuck called? disturbed them...

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