chapter eleven

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The wind was cold that night, and sitting on the horse was uncomfortable . They had packed up in a heavy silence after they'd finally caught their breath again. Although suggestive grins and looks were given more times than they should have, eventually the two women, both tired and worn out, reached the first village.

Before it had all happened, Deema had been confident that nothing would change. They would have a fun time - which they had, gods - and it would all be normal again. But now that the silence between them stretched, she began to wonder if that was true.

Any person she'd slept with, she never saw again. They came to her ship, or she went to their room, and early in the morning, she was alone again. She would see Yara about every day.

It shouldn't change anything, they just fucked. Everyone had needs, and Yara had certainly known what she was doing. Still, as she watched the other woman, she couldn't help but remember the way her body had moved, the way her skin had laid against hers, her warm breath on her neck and face, and the softness with which she moved her hands over her body.

That would go away, though. It hadn't even been an hour since they had left the cave behind, certainly, she was just falling back in the bliss of what the moment had been. Tomorrow evening, they'd drink wine together and talk and it would all be the same as it had been.

Thinking that it had been the last time she'd seen and felt her like that made Deema's insides come down from the high she still seemed to be riding on. Yet she pushed it away, a good nights sleep would clear her mind.

"You're slow," Yara broke her from her thoughts, bringing her back to the present. The captain's horse was standing still some feet before her.

Deema rolled her eyes. "It's your own fault," she said, finally reaching the other horse. "If you could have kept your hands to yourself when I thought we were done..." She trailed off, Yara only chuckling.

"Don't start complaining now," and Deema wouldn't, because she would do it all again. Gladly, actually.

"Trust me, I won't," the two women rode in silence again, the noise from the village filling their silence now. In the dark, it was quite nice to see. There were lots of lights, fires, and laughter. Deema praised herself lucky she didn't hear much of the conversations because certainly, nothing would be beautiful about them.

Her thoughts wandered back to Millet. She hadn't heard of him after their argument, and hadn't stopped to really think about him. Was he between these people? Was he kissing Maggie somewhere behind closed doors or behind the tavern the woman worked in? Was he getting drunk and making a fool of himself? Had he been thinking about her?

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