chapter eight

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CHAPTER EIGHT - the beach

It had been days since Deema had seen Yara

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It had been days since Deema had seen Yara. She hoped the woman had found an excuse for the vanishing of her wound. Knowing Yara, she had probably made sure no one spoke of it until it was long forgotten. Deema herself was quite anxious. She didn't know what to do, the captain certainly seemed to be ignoring her. At least avoiding.

Despite not being happy about it, she understood. What was there even to say to a girl who could heal someone just like that? Yara Greyjoy didn't strike her as the type to be afraid, but maybe... it wouldn't be unthinkable, it had happened before.

She came to the conclusion that she'd like to talk to Millet about that, but the man had vanished a couple of days ago. If she had to guess, she'd say with Maggie. That left only Deema, all on her own. It had always been like that, but the last few months had brought her closer to people, which had felt... good. 

At least, she assumed the worst. So when one evening, Yara did arrive at her room, Deema had to take a moment to make sure her eyes were not betraying her. "What are you doing here?" She sounded harsh and mean, and Deema didn't mean it like that.

"Do you want to go for a walk with me?" The question surprised her, she sucked in a breath. It had to be a trap, right? "I'm not going to kill you, I can see you thinking."

Her usual light tone wasn't present, but it was not unkind or stern. "Alright," Deema said, grabbing a cloak. 

The tension between them was tight, mostly because Deema didn't know what Yara was thinking, and because the captain did not speak. They walked through the halls, past guards. "Where are we going?"

"Just a walk along the sea, I know you like it there," Deema didn't entirely trust it, but was comforted by being near the sea. If Yara was planning on hurting her, she wouldn't do much damage. Maybe she'd looked at it wrong.

But the woman still didn't speak as they left the castle behind them. As if she was waiting for something. The smell of sea was heavier on Yara than it was in the air, a smell that could only be there if she had been on the sea. Deema was tempted to ask as they walked down a path, but the silence seemed too heavy to break.

Instead, both women walked towards the shore, the wind whipping the hair out of Deema's face. Yara didn't move fully to the sea, at a safe distance, she changed direction and walked next to the water. Eventually, the captain finally broke the silence. "Why did you help me?"

It was an easy question but loaded. It had been more than just helping, she'd shown Yara her biggest secret, and it had been dangerous for her. Deema stared ahead of her, letting the wind cool her face down. "I like you," she said eventually. "You're a friend."

The other woman nodded, her movements uneasy and restless. Deema wished she understood why. "How do you do it?"

"I don't know. It happens naturally to myself. I just tried on someone else and it worked, too." Both seemed to be afraid to glance at the other, eyes straight ahead, sometimes glancing at the uneven rocks. The waves were high and loud, a comforting sound, somehow.

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