chapter seven

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CHAPTER SEVEN - blood in the water

The days were long with nothing to do

اوووه! هذه الصورة لا تتبع إرشادات المحتوى الخاصة بنا. لمتابعة النشر، يرجى إزالتها أو تحميل صورة أخرى.

The days were long with nothing to do. Now that Yara's company wasn't an option anymore, she missed her ship even more. She missed being busy from dawn until the moon was gleaming high above her.

Deema spent days in the little cave Yara had shown her, or walking around on the rocky shores, wetting her clothes and feeling almost complete again. How could she ever feel complete when she was not on her own ship?

On sleepless nights she wandered around near the sea, watching the moon and the stars and feeling the gentle lick of the waves around her feet, almost comforting, welcoming her once again.

It was during a night like that when she saw the ship. By now, Deema recognized the Black Wind as well as she once had her own. Yara Greyjoy was back. She'd been fast, then. Deema had been wondering for a while what the captain was going to do once she was there. What Theon would do, too.

Under the pale moonlight, Deema hurried back to the building where she'd find Yara. Probably a bit too eager, but there was no one around to see her. She was let in by the guards. During her time in Pyke, she'd made herself known, and by now she knew her way around.

She blamed her eagerness on the fact that she'd been bored for almost weeks by now, but as she saw Yara Greyjoys door, she couldn't help but smile. Deema knocked, but there was no answer. Maybe she was already asleep. She knew she shouldn't, but... she pushed the door open the littlest bit, just wanting a glance.

The room was empty, and there was no chest with her stuff. As if she wasn't even truly there at all. Deema had never seen Yara's room, she always came to her room, which was a lot smaller and emptier.

She'd already came this far, she might take the step into the room. And that, she did, too curious to not look, to not know how the captain lived when she was on land.

The room was nice, not very well lived. A bed, A dresser. A lot of maps on the walls and table. Sketches of all sorts of things. There was a glass cup, filled with shiny stones and seashells on the dresser, along with some other clutter.

It was werd, standing in her room. As if she was looking at a part of Yara that was being kept hidden.

Outside the room, there were rushed feetsteps. Deema stepped further in the room, pushing the door closed and pressing her ear against the wood. The steps soon echoed away, and Deea stepped out of the room. Well, Yara certainly wasn't there.

Deciding to follow the direction of the footsteps, she went looking for someone who could tell her if the captain had actually returned home. Maybe she was still talking to her father, although he was old and probably asleep.

She passed a guard, stopping him by standing in his path. "Is Yara Greyjoy back?"

The man looked confused, and Deema raised her eyebrows in silent mock. "I heard she's with the Maester," he shrugged.

Homemade Dynamite (ON HOLD) | Yara Greyjoyحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن