"Where's he right now?"

"Solitary confinement. The court case begins in three weeks."

"Daniel and Zev..."

"They were former affiliates. The ruling could go either way. But in the end, they helped you, Maya and your dad. So I don't think the judge will be too harsh on them."

"Okay." I said. I'd hate to see either of them caught up too much in court cases and police crap. We had been through way too much already.

"One more thing..." Said Anderson. "I would have preferred it if your dad told you this, but..."

"What is it?"

"Your stepdad and your mother fought a lot recently. Did you know what it was about?"

"He mentioned it, but I didn't know what it was about. Why?"

A small smile played on Anderson's lips. "It wasn't just your mother he had been fighting with. He'd also taken up politicians and his company advisors."

"What the hell? Why would he do that?"

"Your stepdad... he didn't want to continue the project. He realized what a threat it would be to the local people."

My mouth opened and closed. What was Anderson saying?

My dad...

Maybe my dad wasn't so bad after all.

Once the statement was done and Anderson wrapped everything up, I asked him if there was any way I could contact my dad.

"We confiscated his cellphone. It was too much of a risk. Once were done typing up Gregori's loose threads, we'll tell you when and how you can contact him."

"Okay... what about Noah?"

Anderson's lips pursed. "That." He said. "You failed to mention how Noah went to your house with the idea of murdering both your dad and Gregori."

"But he didn't."

"He didn't. As of now, you, your stepdad and me are the only people that know."

"You're not going to tell anyone, are you?"

"No, but I need a written statement from Noah that he's going to leave the state as soon as he can."

"What about his son? Milo?"

Anderson's shoulders rose and fell. "I don't know, Kylie." He finally sighed. "Gregori really had the entire police force on it's toes. There's too much in my head right now, we need to take it one step at a time."

"I totally understand." I held my hand out for him to shake. "Thankyou."

"I'll call you with more information about the court date. Tell me when Zev wakes up."

"Sure, bye Inspector Anderson."

When he was gone, I sat back down on the chair and rested my chin on the table.

For the first time in a long while, I was completely numb. There was no adrenaline, no whirling thoughts and emotions, no will to do anything out of line.

And I knew that the time will come when what happened with Gregori would take a toll on me.

Right now... all I could think of was Zev.

So I got up, helping myself to one last chocolate pudding, and made my way to his room.

I opened the door.

"Can I have some of that please?" A voice croaked. It was Zev, and his eyes were open.

My pudding nearly fell on the floor. "OH MY GOD, YOU'RE AWAKE!"

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