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"I've told you a million times--"

"About the silver mask, yes, but that doesn't prove anything." The burly police officer rested his mug on the coffee stained table. "Could you please describe him one more time?"

"She already did." Chase crossed his arms. "Legally, Officer..." he glanced at the man's badge. "Carson, she needs a legal guardian present." Chase grabbed my hand. "You don't have to answer any more questions if you don't want to."

Officer Carson looked like he might have popped a vein in his forehead if I hadn't intervened.

"My dad's just running late." I shrugged.

"We're done here anyways." He said, picking up a large file. "If we have any more questions, we'll let you know."

Chase and I got up. Before Chase could say anything, I dragged him out of the police station and into the car.

"Do you always do that?" I asked, buckling myself in the front seat.

"Do what?"

"Provoke people like that?"

"It comes naturally." He said with sarcasm as he started up the engine. He backed out of the parking lot and onto the street. "You know, Brien, I think that's the most I've heard you speak in three days."

I looked at him long enough to realize there was a seriousness behind his light tone. "When was the last time you slept? You look awful."

I rubbed my eyes. It was true, though. I hadn't slept since before the masquerade.

I leaned my head against the window. "How can I sleep after what happened? It's not like I'm not trying, I am, but every time I close my eyes I see her."

There was a moment if silence before he spoke.
"I get it, but you're going to get sick eventually."

"That's the last thing on my mind." I groaned.

"Okay here's what we're going to do." Chase said. "I'm going to drive you home, and you're going to go to sleep."

"But I need to pick a dress for the funeral. And mom needs help with--"

"Kylie," he said. "You need to calm down and breathe. That's all. Get some rest before the funeral."

He parks the car infront of my house and follows me inside.

"Food?" He asks.

"Not hungry."

"You're never not hungry."

"Well, now I am."

"You mean you aren't." We climbed up the stairs to my room.

"Why are you so annoying?"

"Yet you love me anyways."

"I do not."

"That's what they all say."

I closed the door behind us and he went over to draw the curtains shut.

"You need to sleep." He told me. He took my hand in his and led me to my bed. He sat on the edge.

"What will you do?"

"I dunno. Go home, probably."

"Any plans?"

"Not until the afternoon."

"Good." I said, climbing into bed. "You can sleep, too."

"I'm not tired."

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