Look behind you.

I turned around smiling brightly, already knowing it would be him. Joey stood where I just walked in with an equally large grin on his face, holding his arms out for me. Without even a moments hesitation, I ran to him, allowing him to wrap me up in his arms.

He hugged me so tight, only letting me go so he could kiss me, just as hard as he had hugged me. His lips feeling like I was home again.

"I missed you so much," he muttered against my lips.

I giggled, "How pathetic are we, it was only 5 days. But I missed you too, so much."

I kissed him again, "You didn't have to do all this," I said gesturing to the picnic.

"I wanted to," he said, holding my face with a palm on each cheek. "I wanted to spoil my beautiful girlfriend who I missed and who I love."

My smile grew tenfold, "Say that again."

"I love you Morgan. I'm sorry I was an idiot and took too long to tell you when I've known I've felt it for so long."

"I love you too. And I'm just as much an idiot."

We stood there smiling stupidly at each other, blissfully happy as the song ended and the stadium became silent again.

"Let's go eat before it gets cold," Joey said, taking my hand in his and pulling me back to the indoor picnic he had set up.

He pulled out his phone and selected a playlist to softly play in the background while we ate.

"You even hooked into the sound system?" I laughed.

"One of the perks of being on the basketball team," he shrugged as he handed me a burger from the bag of take out.

"This is so corny, but I love it," I giggled, feeling incredibly giddy. "When did you plan all this?"

"Well I thought about it over the weekend, when I realised we weren't seeing each other for a few days, then this morning I put it all together."

"I had all the worst thoughts when you hadn't text me all day," I admit. "Did you speak to Harper? I ripped apart my whole room because I was stressed. Then you snuck into my work to leave a note but didn't see me!"

"I'm sorry, I knew you would think the worst. Harper did give me a heads up, but I was already planning this."

I sigh, "No one has ever done anything like this for me before."

"I've never done anything like this for anyone before either. It's been hard since Christmas, finding time for us. I don't want it to be like that."

"We'll work it out. We just need to take the moments that we can and make the most of them."

"Maybe next year we can get an apartment off campus instead? I know it sounds like a huge step, but it makes sense. You and Harper won't want to stay in dorms next year I'm sure. At least this way, even when our days are busy we always come home to each other."

"I think that sounds great. As long as we can get a cloud mattress like yours at home," I grin and he rolls his eyes. "I sort of need a home to live in anyway. When the college year ends, I don't have anywhere to go. The dorm room is currently my only home."

"No it's not. You always have a place to stay with me, with my family."

My heart could burst. I think I knew it in the back of my mind, but hearing it confirmed out loud was like setting it in stone. Not only did this amazing man in front of me love me, but his family had so readily accepted me into their life.

We finished our burgers, then he pulled out two servings of my favourite cheesecake from work, so naturally I devoured that too. Once we were finished eating and the janitor was hovering to clean the courts we packed up and head back to his house. There was no way either of us wanted to sleep alone tonight.

I'm not even sorry for the cheese factor. I couldn't wipe the smile off my face while editing this. <3

I may not post again till after Christmas, so I'd like to wish everyone a very Merry Christmas and please stay safe! Wash your hands, wear your mask and stay home if you are feeling sick- even if it means missing Christmas!!

I may not post again till after Christmas, so I'd like to wish everyone a very Merry Christmas and please stay safe! Wash your hands, wear your mask and stay home if you are feeling sick- even if it means missing Christmas!!

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