Chapter 9

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Joe: Hey, how are you feeling?

Joe: Are you okay?

Joe: If you need anything, you know I'm here.

Joe: Hey

Joe: Missed you backstage.

Joe: I'm home now. I can probably sneak away for a few hours later if you want me to come back.

Joe: Vivian?

Joe: Viv?

Joe: It's been a week and no contact. I'm worried about you.

Joe: Seriously?

Joe: 🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄

Joe: I'm just trying to be there for you. Actually, we should be doing this together. It was my baby too.

Joe: Another week down without you here...

Joe: Just tell me you're good?

Joe: This don't make no damn sense.

Joe: You can at least have the decency to turn off your read receipts. 🤨

Joe: When you do get back me and you are going to have a talk.

We had nothing to talk about. I was sort of sad if I thought about it but I was far from devastated like he probably assumed. I told management I'd be out for a few weeks but after thinking about it, I wasn't going back. What was the point now that the mission was aborted? I didn't care about wrestling, the travel schedule was tiring and I risk injury every single time I step in the ring.

Also, I'd rather disappear than see his face when he finds out the truth. Knowing I'm her sister will be bad enough but soon after that he'll start putting things together. Imagine him finding out all I've done to him, tried to do to him and was going to do to him. It's for the best anyway. With me out of the way he can get his shit together, pretend this never happened and go back to being a faithful husband and father.

I picked up my phone to contact my agent about looking at my career options and opportunities.

Me: So, I'm no longer working with WWE.

Cliff: Did you get fired?

Me: No, they don't even know yet but I'm quitting.

There were typing bubbles on his end before the stopped and the phone rang.

"You can't quit," he said.

"And why not?"

"Before WWE, you were interested in going into modeling after the crown, right?"

"Still am."

"That's what I thought. Unfortunately, the game has changed since you've been away wrestling."


"Unless you're Bella Hadid or Kendall Jenner being the face of major high fashion campaigns, you won't be making any money. Models are disposable nowadays thanks to social media ruining the game. Influencers, Tiktokers and Youtubers with high follower counts are taking all of the mid and lower tier jobs. Designers don't even have to pay them because in a lot of cases they'll work for exposure and free clothing."

"Okay, I can go into acting,"

"That'll take a while. No one gets to be the star of the movie or show as their first role. It'll take years of being a background character with 2 or 3 lines to move up in the ranks."

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 21, 2020 ⏰

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