Chapter 7

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A/N: Things are going to get dark this chapter. I've added a trigger warning where it begins so if you're uncomfortable, you'll know where to stop.

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California, my original home. I had to check into a hotel room this morning to keep up appearances but I actually flew in two days ago to visit my family and childhood friends. Now I was jogging through my old neighborhood to make one final stop before going back to the hotel and then to the arena.

A horn blew. I looked around and saw a car I didn't recognize. It began following me so I took off fearing sex traffickers and after what happend to Sonya, crazy fans. It seemed to be coming faster now so I sprinted as quickly as my legs could carry me.

"Vivian!" Joe's voice yelled out the window. After slowing down, I bent over with my hands on my knees trying to catch my breath. He pulled up behind me. "What are you doing in this neighborhood?"

"I wanted to get some cardio in so I went for a run, took a few turns and ended up here," I replied. "What are you doing here?"

"Get in," he leaned over and opened the passenger side door.

I looked on the backseat after I got in. There were 2 flower shop bags. I could see a bouquet sticking out of one and a potted floral arrangement sticking out of the other. "What's this?"

"The bouquet is for you, Miss WWE," he said.

"And who is the other one for?" out of nowhere came an uneasy feeling deep in the pit of my stomach.

Joe sighed, his grip on the wheel tightening. "I think I should take you to the hotel and come back."

"Why? It's not like we have that much time for you to be making a trip back across town and then back here to do whatever you're trying to do," I said. Plus if my suspicions were correct, we were already here.

He turned left and pulled up to a church, my original destination."I try to make a stop here every time WWE is in California. I think it's best if you stay in the car."

A cold, irrational anger was beginning to take hold of me as I watched Joe disappear behind the church with the flower. I punched the dashboard so hard I'm surprised the airbag didn't come out. How dare he?! He didn't even show up to the funeral to pay his respects but has the nerve to show up now? What was the reason? Guilt? To make himself feel like a better person now? Fuck that! There was no way in hell I was sitting here and leaving him unsupervised with my sister. He could be back there pissing on her grave for all I know.

The scene when I made it around to the graveyard was worse than I thought. He was kneeling down, whispering, maybe praying. I think I could actually hear him sniffling. If God was ever to ignore a prayer, it should be this one because none of this he was doing was sincere.

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