A Curse or A Blessing?

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~Episode - 2~

Su-ah = oh you. I think I have seen u somewhere. Right?

Classmate = What! You even forgot me I'm the one who gave u money for bus.

Lee Ahn = Firstly, I'll introduce myself. my name is Lee Ahn and I'm your seat partner.

Su ah= Oh, good I'm su-ah nice to meet you and thank you for your favor.

Lee ahn = Okay, now give me some space.

Su-ah= okayy

( the lecture begins ) su-ah to Lee Ahn.

Su ah= So, Where are you from?

Lee Ahn=Doesn't matter. Mind your on business.

Su ah= That's Rude.

(The teacher is staring at them and they stopped talking)

Miss Ri = Lee Ahn and su ah Focus on your studies. (•ˋ _ ˊ•)

Su ah= Okay Miss.

(At the Cafeteria)

Su-ah= I'll treat u a meal.

Lee Ahn= No thanks,but i have plans.(bye)

Su-ah=Anyway, tomorrow is my birthday and I'm so excited ~ let's go home. (Talking to herself)
"Hey mom I'm home"

Mom= ah, hello tomorrow is your birthday u must be excited.

Su-ah= Of course I'm excited.

Mom= Su-Ah i have something important to tell you.

Su-ah=umm what it is? Is it a present for my birthday? (๑ↀᆺↀ๑)

Mom=Su-ah, it's not a present but a curse.

Su-ah=A curse?? Mom I'm not in a mood of joke I thought you'll tell me about my birthday gift

Mom=Su-ah I'm not joking it is a curse !!

Su-ah= (O_O)

Mom =I was cursed when you were in my womb it didn't affected me but i was told that my daughter will have to pay for the curse

Mom=Su-ah it's up to you whether you take it as a curse or a blessing
You have to find someone who can control your powers

Su-ah=Mom what if I could not find that person.

Mom=You will end up in a dark world.

Su ah=Mom What is dark World?

Mom= It's a world where you lose your body to devil. You have to find that person before turning 19.

Su-ah=Mom I am afraid what if I failed, what if that person doesn't exist.

Mom=if you have curse that person do exist.

Su-ah=Mom how I am supposed to find that person?

Mom=you don't have to do anything just go find your true love

Su-ah= so you mean I can date?

Mom= I think you should go to bed now. You'll get your powers tomorrow.

Su ah= okay.

              ( the next day)

Su-ah= I got my powers should I test them. Let's see what's going on in my Mom's mind.

( she got her powers but if she find out the secret I'm hiding for years. )

Su-ah= whatt! What secret what's going on in her mind. (Talking to herself)

Su ah= mom?

Mom= ah! What? go and get ready. Today is your birthday .

Su-ah= okay ( confused )
(After getting ready) looking at mirror.

Su-ah= oh, Why I'm so beautiful (≧∇≦)/.

( don't mind her she is talking to herself 😂)

Mom= Su ah are you ready. Your friends will be here soon.

( we will update episode 3 shortly)

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